Go Green for St Patrick’s Day

Tourism Ireland encouraged the world to go green for St Patrick’s Day, in a campaign which includes landmarks across the world, and a commercial voiced by Irish actor Liam Neeson. St Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March 17, providing an occasion for millions of people worldwide who feel connected to Ireland to assert and explore their heritage and culture. Over the last five years Tourism Ireland has greened some of the world’s most iconic monuments and buildings, including the Sydney Opera House in Australia, Table Mountain in South Africa, the Christ the Redeemer statue, Brazil, Niagara Falls, both US and Canadian sides; the London Eye and The Great Wall of China. Ambassadors for Tourism Ireland this year have been working the greening of websites, homepages or company logos; events, conferences, meetings or coffee mornings; office blocks, reception areas, shop window displays. The World Goes Green For St Patrick’s Day commercial, with a voice over by Liam Neeson, reminds viewers that Ireland is green all year round.

Cannes goes green

London Eye goes green

Edinburgh Castle goes green

Aksum goes green

Disney Castle goes green

Go Green for St Patrick's Day

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