AE camera tracking/match moving issue

Hey guys

I’ve been asked by a friend/director to work on a shot for his latest short. its a vertical camera move (fixed on a jib) starting in the out of focus bedroom and ending up on a girl in bed (in focus). the girl was supposed to have some very special make up which the make up artist proved not to be able to achive (yay!) which is why I ended up enhancing the make up from a grabbed frame in photoshop (there’s absolutely no movement in the shot so thats no problem). the idea was to match move the enhanced pic from photoshop to the camera move in AE. however this proves to be quite difficult as the shot itself really isnt the best for match moving (not much parallax, no visible ground plane, very shallow focal range, dark and grainy footage).

so, I was wondering if any of you’ve got some tips n ticks for me to try out. the tools available to me are after effect’s very own tracker, mocha and the foundry’s cameratracker plugin.


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