Cloth simulation problem …

Hi there.
I have a problem with a cloth simulation, maybe someone will be able to tip me so I can reach to a solution.
The problem is – the scale. I want to simulate a huge tablecloth, well, sitting on a huge table. Its real dimensions are somewhere around 30m (long) x 1m (width) x 1m (height).

So what I did:
– created a ground plane (1×1 segments)
– created a box (30m x 1m x 1m) – (1x1x1 segments)
– created a plane for the cloth (30m x 1m) and a lot of segments (300×50)

Local simulation – allow it to fall. Pulled some faces with live drag to so it shouldn’t be that uniform. Already the cloth is not standing 100% on the box, it has some weird intersections that shouldn’t have happened.

Next, I want to add a wind, so I keyframe it, add the force and let it simulate again, but the results aren’t the expected ones. Weird intersections and, on the other hand, the wind not really taking action on the whole cloth.

So, the question is: are there any parameters to tweak in order to get a better sim? Is there another way to simulate cloth except the in-house Cloth modifier? Reactor? Or some good plugin I might’ve missed?


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