Here is some night shooting test.

rotopaint effects

How to add effect to the strokes in the rotopaint node. And also how to add to a specific stroke in the list in the node section. nuke

luma paint

how to paint alpha for the luma keyed footage. ?

NEW BLOG POST: Autodesk Smoke for Final Cut Pro Users – Part 8 & 9 Out now!

Hi Everyone,

I hope that you have all had a great week!!!

The Autodesk Smoke for Final Cut Pro users video series covers a range of topics which you may be interested in:

Part 1 covers XML importing from Final Cut Pro 7 & Colour Correction
Part 2 covers Keying and Garbage Masking in Autodesk Smoke
Part 3 covers Basic Editing and transitions.
Part 4 covers Trimming
Part 5 covers Change Speed
Part 6 covers Text and Titling
Part 7 covers 3D lighting
Part 8 covers Working with Audio
Part 9 covers 3D Text & 3D models

Definitely worth a watch!

You can check out the episodes at

You can also see the videos on my YouTube Channel – CREATIVEFINISHING –
Or Follow me on Twitter – discreetuk –*
Or Follow Autodesk ME on Facebook –

I have also now got a Table Of Contents so that you can see all the videos that have been posted on the blog without trawling through all the pages. Click here to see the list –

Please post your feedback and requests to the comments column and I’ll be back before you know it!

Have a great weekend!


luma keying for specified rotoved in the image

I already used luma keyer to the image and I want to mask section of the image with roto . how can I do this in nuke

ScatterFX 3dsmax plugin

AK3D ScatterFX is a Map Controlled Scatter Tool for 3ds Max. It is designed for maximum creative control about the scatter process…

Keyframes Copy/Paste : Simply broken?

I posted a while back about having trouble with copying and pasting keyframes in the curve window. I was told it was a broken feature. Now I am running 6.3, and it still seems to be broken! Am I doing this wrong? Select keyframe, Edit->Copy->Copy selected keyframes, and then nothing happens en paste! Arggh. It’s hard to get by without copying and pasting keyframes! Help!

how to open render layers

hi ,can any one tell me how to open render layers from EXR file in fusion , my EXR file contains ten Render passes
thz in advance 🙂

avi import error

Hey Guys,
im trying to import an AVI file into nuke 5.2(64 bit on 64 bit windows)
Its giving me an error: No combination of intermediate filters could be found to make the connection.

its cinepak codec if that makes a difference

Filesonic Premium Account August 19

1x Filesonic Premium Account

August 19
