Hi, I think this issue has been fixed in 6.1v2 but now 6.2v1 gave me back the problem. The prores has wrong gamma interpreted. Someone said that the prores use gamma 2.2 but in fact i found and use gamma 1.8 correctly in nuke 6.1v2.
Here the test, i use ‘read’ node then render it out directly using ‘write’ node. I’m reading a prores format, then render out as prores too.
case #1 : Perfect result using 6.1v2
read prores using default (gamma 1.8) then write using default (gamma 1.8)
input and output are perfectly match, no gamma shift. nothing to worry about.
using this version , i can work smoothly read dand write without any problem
case #2 : using 6.1v3
the workflow above is not working anymore, gamma is wrong. I got different gamma.
case #3 : using 6.2v1
same problem like case #2
to work this out, i ussually do a little trick. Read using 2.2 and write out using 1.8, this way i can get the output the closest possible to the original, but still there’s a bit gamma shift. But that’s all i can get.
The problem got complicated when i want to pipe out/branch in the middle of the workflow. Let say i want to pipe/write out a dpx file. The trick in case #3 will give me dpx with wrong gamma, it gets darker. To fix, i have to insert additional node (colorspace node) and do conversion in:1.8 out:2.2. This i can get the correct gamma back.
Again, using 6.1v2 , i can write it out dpx without to worry about gamma. All the output and original will keep the same gamma. Just Read it and then Write it. no headache. Well, 6.2 …. i love the dopesheet , but hate this gamma thing.
Anyone want to share better workflow ?