Web Links in My Signature ?

How can I include a direct link to a website in my signature?

stars flicker effect?

Hello there,

I am trying to add some flicker to the starry night I am adding to a sky..

Right now I have

Noise node (set up to look like stars)—> sharpen node (enhances the overall look) —- ramp node (star density increases towards the atmosphere, decreases towards the ground).

How could I make a random, realistic flickering effect?

Can you make one gizmo that contains two grouped nodes?

I have created a node that has a value and another node that adjusts that value. So, one value node and one adjustment node. I can copy the value node to create multiple nodes that all are controlled by the adjustment node.

My question is this: Can I export these two nodes as one gizmo? This would be similar to the "split and join" nodes.

I think I can load one at a time, but I would rather load both at once and then copy the value node as much as is needed.

I have tried highlighting both nodes, clicking export as gizmo on one of the nodes, and then saving it. But, when I load it into my script using X, it will only load one of the nodes.

I think this is possible with the "split and join" being an example, but I just can’t figure it out. Does anyone know if this can work?

The visual effects of Hereafter

The visual effects of Hereafter


Well-known for its CG water creations in films such as 300 and 2012, Scanline VFX faced new challenges in creating a near-death tsunami experience for Clint Eastwood’s Hereafter. Here’s my article at fxguide that takes a look at the studio’s digital water live-action destruction effects, digital make-up work and and afterlife visions.


Marque is a branding consultancy with a contemporary view of the world who work collectively across studios


Hey everyone….

I’m starting to write a Nuke version of ILM’s exrdisplay plugin. There’s an AE version out there, as well as even a Shake version, but no Nuke version believe it or not. So I wanted to check on the boards and see if anyone out there has already done this.

I would love to at least check out another script to compare my math against to see if what I’m trying to mimic in Nuke is in the same vein as ILM’s command line program.

Small compositing reel

Hi guys.

I just got clearance to use this reel so I thought I’d share it with you and ask for some feedback. It’s the first ‘serious’ work I’ve ever done after almost seven years of small time corporate stuff. The intro is a bit lengthy but I felt the need to explain how I ended up on the project. 🙂

Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Make sure to watch in HD:

(Here’s the direct link: http://vimeo.com/15966754)

The movie is a german stop motion picture about the Sandman, a very famous and iconic character that first showed up on TV in the 1960s and has since become THE most beloved bedtime-TV-series for kids in Germany. The film is the first full-length stop motion feature produced here since WW1 and I believe the most expensive one, too. Post production took the better part of a year and was mainly done at Animagix in Leipzig, Cologne and Stuttgart.

Enjoy. 🙂

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	sandman.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	24.6 KB
ID:	10826

Roto artist needed for short term gig …

Hey Guys,

I’m in need of a roto artist for a short term gig.

Project involves separating 4 characters, walking/skipping towards the camera, duration about 4 seconds i believe. Also a second shot where we see a reverse of them skipping away in the distance, about equal time.

This is paid, i’m currently putting together a quote for a client. Job expected to start around the 8th Nov 2010 to deliver on the 20th.

This is me; http://www.davidedwards.me

Please get in touch at: davidedwards.me(at)gmail.com


Nazario Graziano

New site and new work from the very talented Nazario Graziano.

deJello v0.4 – Rolling shutter removal gizmo

Hello internet. I present to you the results produced by this little gizmo I started about 1.5 years ago.
It’s an attempt at reducing heavy distortions produced by rolling shutter. It uses Nuke’s Camera motion vectors to correct the image. The only requirement is a camera node that has been previously tracked.

I’ll post more information when I’ll find the necessary time. If there are people out there that find this interesting, please drop a comment.

youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lOxdQKrnzM