Side fx releases houdini 11

New FLIP fluid solver, dynamic fracturing tools and a streamlined lighting
workflow give artists more control in their day-to-day work.
TORONTO: July 27, 2010 – Side Effects Software, an industry leader in 3D animation and visual effects software, is excited to announce the immediate release of Houdini 11. With a focus on productivity, Houdini 11 meets the needs of artists and studios who are looking for ways to accomplish more and work faster. From the new FLIP fluids solver, which offers amazing speed and control, to automatic fracturing of RBD objects, to a re-architected shader building workflow, artists will be able to work much more effectively with Houdini 11.
VFX Tools
“The new FLIP fluid solver is going to make a big difference for artists in production,” says Kim Davidson, President and CEO, Side Effects Software. “Not only is it up to 70 times faster, it draws on the power of our renowned particle tools to offer an unprecedented level of directability.”
The new dynamic fracturing tools are also designed to automatically create high-quality fracturing effects using a Voronoi-based algorithm. Artists can establish nicely shaped interior cracks and use volume “maps” to control the results.
Rendering and Lighting
The new version also brings important enhancements to Houdini’s lighting and shading workflows. Artists can make lighting decisions interactively in the viewport with new OpenGL effects such as GPU-assisted Volumes, unlimited lights and support for diffuse, specular, opacity, environment, bump and normal maps.
Houdini’s Mantra renderer is being used more and more in production and with Houdini 11 it becomes more accessible to artists. Houdini 11 ships with a robust general-purpose material which includes features such as sub-surface scattering and per-light exports. Houdini 11 includes new lights to make it easier to set up and render shots.
“With Mantra, artists now have more options, more control and a significant improvement in speed,” says Davidson. “And as always, Mantra-tokens are unlimited which means that renderings can be distributed across as many machines as required.”
More Features
In addition, Houdini 11 includes a wealth of new features and enhancements which are all geared towards making the artist more productive:
User Interface

  • New, bezier-style connectors in the network editors
  • New tool palette in the network editor offers a gallery of nodes which can be dragged into the network.
  • Seamless integration of particles into dynamics networks and dynamics into geometry networks. This makes it easier to focus simulations on particular networks instead of simulating everything at the same time.
  • Enhancements to bundles to strengthen light-linking workflow
  • Z-up support

Vertex Normals

  • Support for vertex normals in OpenGL

Network Rendering

  • Network-distributed IPR
  • HQueue for Windows and Mac
  • Gold release of Houdini Cloud rendering tools


  • Support for multi-resolution volumes with merging, feathering and surfacing tools VEX Volume Procedural
  • Volume Quality setting in viewport
  • Camera frustum volumes with tapering values.
  • Higher quality viewport visualization of volumes


  • Support for Disney’s "ptex" format

Point clouds

  • New point cloud surfacer with adaptive controls (generates a better surface than the existing particle fluid surfacer; 
more applicable to games)
  • New point cloud functions


  • New Fluid Shelf tools – target smoke, source from surface, resize voxel grid
  • SPH particle fluid solver up to twice as fast
  • Ability to rotate voxel grid to create non axis-aligned fluid container


  • More shelf tools for hair grooming
  • Control over guide hair distribution for faster interactivity while grooming
  • Combing direction can now be controlled by skin shaders
  • No need for rest attribute
  • Distributed wire solver output node


  • Support for cloth pinching and layering
  • Direct support for non-stretchy cloth (stretch/shear/bend constraints)
  • Ability to simulate 0D cloth particles and to attach 1D cloth strings to 2D cloth surfaces – this provides as unified cloth solver for particles, wires and cloth surfaces.
  • Distributed cloth solver output node

Crowd Control

  • New CHOPS (foreach, iksolver, objectchain, transformchain, vector ) – for crowds and more
  • New python module that lets developers easily embed C++ code into python code

Pricing and Availablility
Houdini 11 is available immediately with Houdini Escape available for as low as $1,995 and Houdini Master available for as low as $6,695. The Free Apprentice Edition can be downloaded today from and Houdini Apprentice HD can be purchased for $99. Existing version 10 Apprentice HD customers can upgrade for $69.
With Houdini 11, Side Effects is launching a new Annual Subscription Plan which offers access to Houdini software, upgrades and support for a year at a time. This program lowers the up-front cost for studios interested in working with Houdini and gives them a flexible way to scale up their licenses. With this program, Houdini Escape is available for as low as $1,595 and Houdini Master is available for as low as $4,595.

Syntheyes to maya help (and other questions)

Alright first of all im going to post all the questions i ask here for problems i may come across to save forum space, But heres my question right now

I import the track data from syntheyes into maya 2009 and its tracked good the image sequence automatically appears, but the grid isnt on the ground.. (which is of course normal) so i move the camera to make the grid match the ground, but when i move to the next frame the grid just goes right back to its original spot.. What do i do? i dont want to manually move the camera in the same spot for every frame..

Edit: Quick thing is there a way to move the camera around without just rotating it around? Like when you alt+click it rotates it around, what do i press and click to move around on xyz and not rotate?

Wade Studios

I’m pleased to announce a couple of things; first that we have re-launched Wade Studios website. Go take a look at some of the works we’ve completed recently. Secondly, if you like the look of the website it’s available as a WordPress Theme with Templates to purchase.

Boeing 747 Fly By

I challenged myself to complete this shot, from concept through modeling to post, all in a day. C&C welcome!

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

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New Boeing 747 Animation

I challenged myself to squeeze this shot out yesterday. Modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering – Maya. Comp – After Effects, Shake. C&C welcome!

Boujou: tracking background and object

hello guys, im new to the forum!

i wanna track this scene: a jeep in the desert, with the camera following the jeep on the side. so the camera is moving and the jeep too.

anyway i did track the background and i did track the jeep.
the problem i have is that i have 2 solve, but it looks like the first solve (BG) lost the autotrack-predictions.

so what is the right way to track background and jeep?
should i export both in a different export? and try to match the movement in Maya?

btw if i track the bg, i have a solve where the camera moves and the BG points (predictions) dont. that s fine.

but now i have to track these jeep, so in theory the camera should have the same movement from the 1st solve (BG) and the predictions should move, sticking on the jeep…

right now with the second solve i have a completely new camera movement and static points (while they should move as it s a moving jeep)

any ideas??

thanks guys!

Sci-Fi short – WE NEED Compositors

* Job Title: Compositor

Key Purpose of the Job –

We are looking for artists to assist in compositing under the supervision of our vfx lead. Shots are challenging and require competent and good sound knowledge of software to take on challenging shots.

About the project –

Our Sci-Fi short is an ambitious project that has been in post production for two years. We are looking for extra help in the final stages to meet deadlines. The project is unpaid but all involved will get to work alongside a creative and friendly team of independent filmmakers on a fun and ambitious project.


Everyone involved will receive a dvd of the completed project as well as take part in interviews (if they wish) in the ‘making of’ talking through the process of their involvement. We are also holding a screening in London which is open to those involved.

All interested artists should contact the project lead supervisor, Sebastien Regert, here:

Legend 3D (San Diego) Open Position: Stereo Compositors

Legend 3D, the cutting-edge 2D to 3D conversion studio located in beautiful San Diego (Del Mar) has openings for stereoscopic compositors of all levels of experience for upcoming projects. Junior compositors should have experience with roto/paint and matchmoving with either a strong recent-graduate demo reel or 1-2 years of hands-on production experience. Mid-level compositors should have 2-4 years of experience doing 2D or, preferably, stereoscopic compositing on high-profile feature films. Senior compositors should have at least 3 stereoscopic projects completed in addition to 5-7 years of experience doing complex multi-layer compositing with CG and live action elements, and knowledge of 3d multi-pass rendering techniques and colorspace concepts. The successful candidate must also be a team player, committed to fitting into and developing the team-first environment of Legend 3D.

Legend 3D’s patented 2D to 3D conversion technology seamlessly enhances filmmakers’ storytelling, deepening their connections with audiences through pixel perfect™ 3D. Legend 3D’s conversion process integrates sophisticated technology with skilled artistry, offering filmmakers incredible flexibility to create an immersive 3D experience for the audience. Legend 3D also offers a competitive salary and benefits package for our employees in addition to an outstanding work environment.
Qualified candidates interested in a challenging and crucial role with a cutting-edge company located in a beautiful area of Southern California should submit their resumes to Marc Shea ( in Legend 3D’s Recruitment Department. Subject line must read “Compositors”.
Legend 3D is an equal opportunity employer.

Archmodels vol. 84 are out

Military models with all textures, shaders and materials. It is ready to use, just put it into your scene, available in Download O…div class=”feedflare”
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