how to track this shot

i need to track the character’s hand and put an energy ball in it. how do i do it?
i tried masking it in mocha , but when i exported it to AE CS3 i did not get the needed result. it would be great if anyone can send a link to a good "tracking and exporting to AE using mocha" tutorial. any other methods will also be appreciated. btw footage has been attached.

thanks in advance

Attached Files
File Type: mov (2.71 MB)

huge exr file size?


I am working with 6k panorama that is originally output from PTGui as EXR. Once I am done with cleaning up (simply exposure and WB adjustment) in Nuke and write it out as EXR, the file size jumps from about 55 mb to 200 mb. I tried all the compression types available in Nuke (PIZ, ZIP, RLE, even the B44), and the only way to get the output EXR close to 50 mb is to set the datatype to 16 half-float which is not what I want.

Interestingly, I bring both the original 6k EXR (50 mb) and the one output from Nuke (200 mb) into Photoshop and save as a different file name, both EXR files end up about 50 mb.

Am I forgetting something while writing out the EXR in Nuke?


ARTIST NEEDED: 10 Shots Photo-Realism

Hi all,
I’m looking to have 10 shots completed. It involves water, particles, and we will shoot our sibjects on greenscreen to be composited in. The style needs to be photo-realistic.

Some shots include: parting of the sea, water forming into tunnels, the ground of the water tunnel turning into stone.

I have a budget, project due in September. Please send reels to

We are located in NYC, which helps if you are here as well. I have a completed storyboard to you to look at. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY!

Please have a look at our work, we are looking for potential on-going freelancers for future jobs with us, so this could be a great start!

We will send full details, and budget in response.

Noah S

Cinematic Orchestra Video

Lilac Wine is a black-and-white marriage of music and graphics that flows from the concept of a heartbroken lover writing a letterdiv class=”feedflare”
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/divimg src=”” height=”1″ width=”1″/

Lilac Wine

Vanessa Marzaroli directs the music video for Lilac Wine by The Cinematic Orchestra.

Controlling ColorLookup curve points with expressions?

Hi there,

I’m trying to colour remap a greyscale render and want to have a number of points along each r,g, and b curve in a ColorLookup node, their X position will match between each colour curve and will be controlled by a 0-1 ranger slider, while their Y position will be controlled by a user picked colour.

So if point1’s X slider is set to 0.25, and the colour picked is a pure red, and point2’s slider is 0.75 and is a pure green, the curve would be

red {curve x0.25 1.0 x0.75 0.0}
green {curve x0.25 0.0 x0.75 1.0}
blue {curve x0.25 0.0 x0.75 0.0}

Any ideas on the kind of expression I’d need for this? I can’t seem to control the placement of curve points at all, only define an overall curve with an expression like pow(x,2).

I’m VERY new to NUKE so any help would be greatly appreciated. I’m trying to replicated a node someone made in Fusion that did a gradient colour remap.

The Thing – 3D Character

Hi all!
Here is my WIP, inspired by John Carpenter’s film “The Thing”

Feel free to comment this

Attached Thumbnails

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Click image for larger version

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Does The Mill NY use After Effects a lot?


I know The Mill in New York has several Flame suites, and I’m sure they use Shake / Nuke etc … but I hear they use AE for some vfx as well.

I was curious do they use it a lot for comping!?


Softimage Vs. Maya

Hey I was on academic superstore all ready to pull the plug and buy maya and found it was pretty much gone from the site :(. They seem to have replaced it with a program called Softimage which seems pretty cool almost like a merger between this Toxik and Combustion just from reading the specs. Wondering if anyone has used this or thinks that this will in fact replace Maya? I could be way off base and this product could have been around for decades, but I’m pretty new to this and am still getting into the swing of things.

Advice for a specific shot.

Ok so in this film I’m planning I want to open with a hand held shot following closeup behind the two actors as they walk along this bridge and then as they get to this alcove they look out and the LA skyline is revealed and it’s half destroyed and that’s where I want to put a matte painting.

Is this something do able? How hard do you figure the roto and motion tracking would be for a shot like this? Also how would I go about doing this. I have sort of limited experience with roto and motion tracking but I figured I could freeze on the last frame I want turn that into a matte painting then track the image backwards to the first part where you can see the skyline and roto around the actors. Would that work?