intelligent tab key


i am a mac user so I use quicksilver a lot. I wonder if others have thought about having something like it for the tab key. I find myself using it a lot to load nodes. The problem is that it is not remembering what i am using.

For example i want a camera node but if i press tab and type "cam", camerashake comes first. If i choose camera, next time nuke should remember that i want the camera node when i type "cam" or even "ca".

is there a chance to manually script this?


Objects scale

Alright so im in the concept phase of a 3D castle im going to make. I have a question though. Ive heard that its good to use real life scale and measurements when working with architecture. Would this be a fact? The castle im going to build is going to be huge. Should I just work with generic units? :confused:

Sandro Lodolo

Per uno strano gioco del destino lo stesso giorno in cui è scomparso Mike Bongiorno è deceduto Sandro Lodolo: ideatore e realizzatore della sigla del programma televisivo a quiz Rischiatutto.

Sandro Lodolo fu l’ideatore delle sigle di molte trasmissioni della Rai. Lavorò in RAI per trenta anni e ha curato la sigla di numerosi caroselli, la sigla di Tv7 e quella della storica diretta dell’atterraggio del primo uomo sulla Luna nel 1969.

Da “Nel 1953, diplomatosi grafico pubblicitario, insegnò lui stesso tecnica di animazione nel medesimo Istituto. Nel 1955 realizzò alcune sequenze animate per un film musicale di Xavier Cugat ed entrò come collaboratore ai servizi giornalistici televisivi della RAI per la quale progettò e realizzò anche degli inserti animati per Canzonissima di Garinei e Giovannini. Tre anni più tardi lasciò la RAI ed aprì uno studio pubblicitario in società con un ex compagno del (C.I.A.C.), Ermanno Biamonte. Nello stesso anno conobbe Pino Pascali che collaborerà con lui per dieci anni. Nel 1958-1959 realizza, con la collaborazione di Pino Pascali, alcuni spot per Fleurop, Amadis, Abiti Monti, Autoservizi Maggiore, Conserve Baratta e Ferrovie dello Stato. Nel 1960 fondò, in società con Massimo Saraceni, la Massimo Saraceni Cinematografica (M.S.C.). Sempre avvalendosi della collaborazione di Pino Pascali, realizzò spot pubblicitari, dal vero e in animazione, per Algida, Marga, FF.SS., Squibb, Caffè Mauro, Caffè Camerino, Ariston, Fleurop, Maggiora, Cirio, Amadis, RAI TV, Sacis, Steel USA, Conserve Arlecchino e Argo Elettrodomestici. Nel 1965 lasciò la M.S.C. e fondò la Lodolofilm. In oltre trent’anni di attività realizzerà innumerevoli sigle televisive. Fra le più note, Sapere, Tv7, Incontri, Spazio, Boomerang, Faccia a Faccia, Dossier, Rischiatutto, Prima visione, Break, Tante scuse, Colazione allo studio 7, L’approdo, Domenica in…, Flash , TG1 e Fantafestival. Ha prodotto e realizzato centinaia di caroselli e spot televisivi fra cui Algida, Marga, Strega Alberti, Radiotelefortuna, Petrini, Dieterba, Curcio Editore, Totocalcio, Enalotto, Alco, Toseroni, Arena, Fiorucci, Barilla, Wilkinson, Unedi, Ariston, Spigadoro, Fleurop, Ministero della Sanità (campagna donazione organi) e Cassa di Risparmio di Roma. E documentari e film industriali per Enel, Fiat, CNEN, IRI, Esso, Marina Militare, Regione Sardegna, Regione Abruzzo e Dipartimento Scuola Educazione RAI TV. Ha realizzato le sigle di testa per i film Top Crack, Le Fate, Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra, Il colonnello Buttiglione diventa generale, Vogliamo i colonnelli e Il rompiballe. Nel 1991 realizzò un film sperimentale in animazione dal titolo Pianeta Acqua e l’anno successivo, in occasione del 500° anniversario della scoperta dell’America, scrisse e produsse il film La grande scoperta, realizzato in animazione con la tecnica del passo-uno”.

Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.

Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.

Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.

Articolo redatto da Sergio Damele


Hi, I am pretty new to vfx.
I filmed my footage standing in an alley looking in the direction of a street (at the end of the alley). I have some cameramovement and tracked everything in boujou and imported it into maya. Now, if i want a cg-car passing on the street, how can I mask the two walls of the alley so the cg is not overlapping the footage(later after 3d-rendering and in compositing)???? Sorry for my english and the bad explanation

Matchmoving mask

Hello everyone. This is my first post on vfxtalk and I am not realy sure wheter, to put this question in the beginner or professional Talk (I post it here, cause the answer might com from a professional :rolleyes:). I study animation in first semester, and just found out about the great possibilities of matchmoving and 3d. Now my question is(the real question is asked after I explained what I have done so faar), I filmed (some camera movement), standing in an alley, looking on a street (so I got high walls on both sides next to me, and an open end, where the street is passing by). I import the footage into Boujou , 3d-track it and get into my 3d app (maya) , create a car driving on the street. Next step I load it into my compositing app.. And this is where my question appears. How do I mask out the walls on the right and the left, so I see the car driving on the streets only (and not overlapping with the walls)???? One answer I could think of is rebuilding the walls in 3d and not render them out….but is there an other way?????? Thanks a lot and sorry for my english and bad explanation:)


Molho, Brazilian motion design and creative studio.

Prologue: MTV Video Music Awards 2009

MTV has found a good thing, and they’re sticking to it. For the third year in a row, they’ve tapped LA-based Prologue to create the graphics package for their colossal Video Music Awards show.

Directed by Ilya Abulhanov, the condensed sans-serif type and annotated landscapes of the VMA 2009 package build upon the look Ilya established for the OFFF 2009 titles. In the VMA 2009 package, though, the landscape is alive, modifying itself in subtle but surreal ways.

Gigantic telescoping streetlights and strings of gondolas adorn the familiar skyline of New York City, creating a panoply of mechanical transformations that seem to be a literalization of Rem Koolhaus’ vision of a “delirious New York.” Ilya’s split-screen moments create dizzying multiplications of the city, piling density upon density.

I’m reminded a little of Rob Chiu and Chris Hewitt’s titles for Offf New York. Ben “HECQ” Lukas Boysen did a masterful job sound designing both projects, creating a wild mix of tension and wonder that is driven as much by pockets of poignant silence as it is by the tightly controlled cacophony of the city.

Check it out here.

Posted on Motionographer



The next time you see your art snob friends ask them to say ” ‘A Picture of the Blessed Lion Who Stares at Death” will be at “Picture of Fate: I Am But a Fisherman Who Angles in the Darkness of His Mind’ show”, five times fast. The word jumbled title is the one-piece art exhibit by famed Louis Vuitton supported artist, Takashi Murakami. His stuff is so good, words can’t describe this singular work. Check out the art behemoth before it leaves the island on the 24th of this month at the Gagosian Gallery.

Matte Painting – Cleopatra Queen of Egypt

This image which is a mix of 3D geometry, photos manipulation and digital painting mostly done in Photoshop

3ds Max 2010 Arch Viz – Adv to Expert

Brimming with tutorials, practical production techniques, this book is arguably the finest collection of 3D talent ever assembled