Steve Scott
Posted in: 1Fantastic new illustration work on display from London based Animation Director/Illustrator Steve Scott. (Thnx Sebastian!)
Fantastic new illustration work on display from London based Animation Director/Illustrator Steve Scott. (Thnx Sebastian!)
Any ideas of examples on doing this?
Katie Gallagher, an up and coming fashion designer, sheds new light on cat people by being more than just crazy. When her cat Thomas isn’t perched on her head, the designer is creating a new wave noir look that is far too dark for her feline enthusiasts. Having worked with Anna Sui and ThreeAsFour, her cache of experience and eccentricities might make you think twice about the man wearing a cat on his head seen at Union Square. Check out some flicks of her S/S 2010 collection after the jump.
am i wrong ?
and what are the duties of every position :confused:?
In our pornographic, disco-unicorn-fetish fantasies we actually are In Flagranti. All 9 of us clad in animal skin, powdered like donuts, and baying at a giant disco ball like a turgid pagan moon. But in reality, we have to put on the record and stare at the album cover just like everyone else. Not the worst thing ever, but if somehow we could trade it all in to live out our Never-Ending-Story-meets-Larry-Levan- in-a-pile-of-illicit-substances fantasy and still hold down a life, then you know…..we probably would. Til then, check out In Flagranti’s amazing albums and their covers out on Codek Records.
Another company said that they keep their staff on as an R&D team and develop plugin’s for programs.
Good thinking I say. Anyone have any other stories of what companies do to keep on their staff during the lay periods?
Might give me an idea as a freelance nuker twiddling my thumb on what to do to keep my skill sets up while waiting for companies to get projects to happen…:scorching:happydevi
Professional 3d artist who originally started out as a traditional artist and now having own company called Cortina Digital
Not new (from 2007) but still good, the photo portfolio of Denis Darzacq