Brandon Blommaert is amazingly adept at conjuring up piles of garbage into godzilla-sized monsters who knock over volcanoes while tenderly caring for their fallen brethren. Check out more HERE.
I have a gizmo whose has enumerators whose choices changes.
When you save the nuke script it doesn’t save the new choices.
So if I have an enumerator in the gizmo which changes from:
"Icecream, Sandwich, Drink"
"Popsicle, Burger, Fries"
It only saves the choice "Fries". When it then tries to reopen the file it defaults to the enumator defaults and produces an error because "Fries" isn’t in the "IceCream…" list.
You know how it is. Everything is calm. The pace, relaxed. Maybe you’ll write a little email to your mum, letting her know how special—
BAM! The shit hits the fan. Demands on your creative powers are being made from some shadowy force on high, and you jump into high gear, riding that familiar blend of adrenalin and caffeine that all creative workers know too well.
Favorite moments: the error message during the blender sequence, the post-it note reading “Find money and weapons” and the elegantly executed end-tag.
The sound design, created by Ubisoft, really pushes this to the next level (as all good sound design does), exaggerating the action and creating striking contrasts throughout the project.
Burton goes live with their 2009/2010 site, “The Good Book.” After waiting for years for a site that lives up to their brand heritage and spirit, I think they nailed it this time.
I am running into some problems with my fur baldnessmap. Maybe someone knows this problem and has a solution for it 🙂
I have a polygon model with a UV layout in the 0 to 1 space. Since working with the Fur attribute paint tool seems to be a pain in the ass, I painted a baldness map with photoshop:
When I assign this file to the baldness channel and bake it, there is still some fur in the black areas of the baldnessmap. I’ve tried to do some additional changes to this painted map with the pain fur attributes tool on the baldness map and exported this map. Here is the result:
As u see, this map looks kind of crapy. Also, there are some areas that i can’t paint with the paint tool, no matter what I try. The original mapsize has 2048 * 2048 pixel and should contain enough detail.
Did anyone run into similiar problems with fur? Do you know how to fix that?
This is site is run by Sascha Endlicher, M.A. during ungodly late night hours. Wanna know more about him? Connect via Social Media by jumping to