ask the senior artist
Posted in: Beginners TalkOver the years Ive been in the US, which is about 4 years now, I learned a lot about the film industry, politics of the hiring game, do’s and dont’s, etc. I won’t write down my worklife’s story (use the search function i wrote it somewhere I think) here to not double up scott’s thread but instead openly Invite our readers to ask questions about whats going in companies nowerdays, why you dont get replies from the 5 companies you email, why it seem all the work goes elsewhere and why aruna’s vfxwages is so important to all of us.
So shoot away! the audience is listening. PM me if you like, IM if you feel the need for a FAST reply.
– Andreas :niceone:
I wanted to ask around who used nuke in different facilities and in what way does it influence the colorspace handling.
I used it in its early (not DD early) days at The late Orphanage. We had no external color pipeline.
standard FiLm 10bit LOG DPX -> Nuke -> File in converts it into float srgb linear -> comp -> write node 10bit log dpx with cineon conversion -> final
In one shop they had to have more color continuity and linearized all LOG plates into 16bit linear exr sequences.
standard FiLm 10bit LOG DPX -> LINEARIZE 16bit linear exr -> Nuke -> File in converts it into float srgb linear (just a bit depth change)-> comp -> write node 16bit exr linear-> LOG CONVERSION outside nuke -> final
I am asking because a certain big studio in culver city started to use Nuke and they have a complicated inhouse proprietary color pipeline. from off the shelf maya to LUTS in shake and nuke to film scanners and calibrated sweatboxes.
At the moment I feel my nuke is crippled. Im am getting dpx plates that are supposed to be linearized but still look log to me. we have the color IP toggle on linear (that looks wrong to me) and a Film Lut toggle to mimic the end result that looks fine.
the problem of all this is that some things break (e.g IBK) or work poorly.
this is all a temp solution as Alice in Wonderland is the first show to use nuke as far as I am aware.
Any thoughts?
Posted in: 1A list of the VFX/Production panels, talks, sessions and courses at SIGGRAPH ’09. Here are a few highlights:
- Building Benjamin Button: A Blending of Technique-ologies
- Robots, Cyborgs, and the Final Frontier: An Inside Look at Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Terminator Salvation, and Star Trek
- Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs: Making Mouthwatering 3D
- Monsters vs Stereo: How Stereo Affected Production on Monsters vs Aliens
- Two Bolts and a Button
- G-Force 3D: Guinea Pigs, Gadgets, and Post-Production Stereoscopic Filmmaking
- Coraline: The Changing Face of Animation
- Making Pixar’s Partly Cloudy: A Director’s Vision
- The Spine and Psychologically Driven Animation
Roto help needed
Posted in: The Job LotThanks
Multiples questions …
Posted in: NUKE from The FoundryI’m new to nuke but I like it so much and of course, I have lots of questions
1) Is there a way to change the arrow color between nodes?
I’d like to give different colors. For example, when I create a gizmo, I’d like to give a different color for each entry.
1a) When making a gizmo or when using a node with multiple entries, like a front, a background and a mask for example,
is there any shortcut to display each one?
On flame, for example, you have F1, F2, F3, F4 —> front, back, matte, result
It’s very usefull to check what the entries are.
2) Is there a way to prevent the software to open the property related to a node when inserting a node?
(imagine a pane with 3 tabs: node graph, curve editor and properties)
3) Is there some kind of collapse function for a group of node
I don’t want to make a group but just collapse visually some nodes together and if needed, I uncollapse in order to adjust some parameters …
4) Ctrl + t allows me to go from a tab to another,
is there a way to assign a shortkey to specific tabs? (imagine 3 tabs on the same pane)
5) Is there a way to display the same viewer in 2 different tabs?
If I zoom in viewer 1, it zooms in viewer 2 but I’d like to see the R on the left and the G on the right tab. (or RGB and alpha) with the same value of zoom
But zooming works exaxtly in the same way on both viewers.
6)Is there a way to increase the size of a node
I usually rename my node and it’s bigger than the node 🙂
Syfy – House of Imagination
Posted in: 4Creative, Animazione 3d, brand identity, channel identity, Commercial, Featured, Gods of Design, Movieng Picture, Steel, StranieriMoving Picture e 4Creative hanno realizzato il nuovo brand film per il Canale Syfy (in italia su Steel). Una casa misteriosa dove si sta svolgendo una festa e una coppia (i protagonisti) si aggirano all’interno dell’abitazione vivendo una serie di esperienze e vedendo “cose mai viste”. Incontrano un unicorno/origami, graffiti in 3d, il Tyrannosaurus Rex che alla fine si rivela un giocattolo e tanto altro. Ovviamente dietro a tutto questo c’è la “giusta idea” accompagnata da tanto lavoro, impegno e creativitĂ libera di operare… troppi ingredienti che nella televisione italiana si uniscono raramente.
Loren Carpenter’s CG fractals film
Posted in: 1Loren Carpenter (now Pixar’s Chief Scientist) made this amazing CG fractals film, Vol Libre, for SIGGRAPH 1980. Here’s some more background info from Michael Rubin’s droidMAKER blog.