matte painting critique needed

Hello, I need some critique for a matte painting I put together,
I used PS4 and was looking for a realistic, hope full future city feel.
I added islands, and bldgs to a beach scene.

thanks, Bruce

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC01821.JPG
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Size:	2.52 MB
ID:	7927
 Click image for larger version

Name:	cityscape1.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	1.21 MB
ID:	7928

BOHARG II – Short Film

Watch it or don´t, it will take 5 minutes of your life.

More info:

Have fun : )


Virgile is very shy guy who’s trying to date a charming girl by turning himself into funny and manly characters. Great short.

Pontiac : People are Soft ~ Chris Chynoweth

Not new (2007), but a great spot to see: People are Soft — Edited by Chris Chynoweth.

Google : Operating System

The New York Times reports “In a direct challenge to Microsoft, Google announced late Tuesday that it is developing an operating system for PCs that is tied to its Chrome Web browser”. Nice!

Painting Practice website

Painting Practice has some nice pics and clips on its website of previs and digital artwork for films like Quantum of Solace and Hitchhiker’s Guide and other projects.



Mark Gonzales will be showing a new body of work at the Half Gallery tonight, entitled “Southwest”. If we had to guess, there might be some real pain for his sham friends and some sham pain for his real friends but then again….there could be no champagne for anyone, so who knows???? Either way, it will be packed to the gills and what is more fun then a 9,000 degree mid-summer art opening?

Gizmodo on DD’s Alice TF2 fx

Why Just 2 Seconds of Transformers 2 Took 3 Months to Complete, at Gizmodo.

Tiling in Public Enemies

The Art of Tiling in Public Enemies, at Digital Content Producer.


magneticNorth is a UK based interactive design company creating digital experiences of all kinds – experiences that are useful, playful, and have a story to tell – stuff that people want to spend time with.