The only outside shot would be the android running through a field at the end, with a long lens, capturing it in CU from very far away as it crests over a bunch of small hills (so it’d be coming up into frame, dropping back down, chest-up – no need to see the legs).
Just curious whether or not something like this would even be possible if we had $10k to devote purely to the digital effects. Would we need to do mo-cap on set or in a volume, how would the pipeline work, etc.?
Anyone who’s interested in doing this, if it can be done for this much in a manner similar to Bjork’s video "All Is Full Of Love", please get in touch with me and we can discuss. Double points if you’re in the New York area, but it’s not a necessity (unless it is, you would know better than I.)
In the interest of full disclosure, I’m a filmmaker and an editor at Nickelodeon (work on two of their most popular shows). If you google ‘grey corridor’ and check out episode #2, I did that entire episode for less than $500 with a practical alien puppet and a 5" model spaceship along with after effects.
I can be reached at
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