What You Love vs. What Is Marketable

I felt it might be a good time to get everyones opinion on a matter I constantly struggle with and would love to get some thoughts.

This question doesn’t really have a right or wrong answer. This question is theoretical, logical, emotional, psychological and heck, even theological for some.

I wanted to get everyones opinion on pursuing what you love vs. what is currently marketable in your career.
What you feel is your true calling vs. what jobs are out there on the market.

Let me see if I can explain it this way. Lets say for example that you are in my current situation. You work as an Art Director now and for the last 15 years in traditional graphic design but you are trying to push your career in another direction. Now I got in to graphic design out of default. VFX/Animation/MotionGraphics weren’t taught when I went to university in the early/mid 90’s. So I studied art and design. I like what I do, but have always felt it wasn’t my true calling (if you believe in that kinda thing). Over the years I’ve taken the work because it’s what was offered and we all have bills to pay. The older you get the more responsibilities you accrue. Wife, Kids, House, Care of elderly parent, etc.

So now I’m in school, taking any extra time I can find to learn/study/practice.

Now back to my example… Lets say that you felt like your "true calling" was to be a Character Animator, or a TD, or Compositor, or whatever, insert speciality VFX job here. But you know these jobs are difficult to get. They go to the best of the best. They usually require relocation, which can be very difficult for some with the list of responsibilities listed above. Since you are basically an entry level you’d most likely have to take a pay cut to get started as you transition, which again can be difficult with the list of responsibilities listed above. Granted, a lot of these might not be the case for many. Say a 21 year old with no wife, kids and mortgage. But for someone 36 like me, they are the reality and please don’t think I’m complaining, that’s not the case at all. But they do have to factor into your decision.

Now your other option, while not a slam dunk, maybe more a smooth transition and may be slightly easier to obtain. So, you’re like me and you see many job listings in your own back yard for something like Flash animation or MoGraph. You know people, have connections. Not your first love, but maybe more of a logical choice? Maybe the more natural progression of what you currently do?

I’ve heard many arguments both ways. Some say, do what you love. If you love it and are passionate about it then you’ll be good at it and they rest will take care of itself if it is your true calling. You’ll be happier as a person.

Then the other side says you have to do what you can get paid for. You have bills to pay. And even if you are good at something, that never guarantees anything. You might truly be happier doing the other, but no one is happy if they can’t get a job and put food on the table.

I’ll admit that I struggle with this based on history. I’ve had a good career and have made a good living, but there are times it’s been a struggle. Designers are always the first to get cut when layoffs come. And I’ve been downsized/rightsized more times than most. As a result I might find myself being more cautious, maybe trying to play it safe still knowing that nothing is guaranteed in any career. If you were a TD, Compositor, MoGraph artist, Character Animator, etc. You’d still be just a vulnerable to layoffs, especially in this economy.

I struggle with this almost daily. It effects my studies, my ideas, my creativity, the classes I take or don’t take, etc.

I know the answer is somewhere in the middle – a balance of the two.


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