Syntheyes to Syntheyes


I’m having a problem with a syntheyes file. Ive tracked and solved everything and it’s working fine. However it’s not the whole shot it is till frame 300 and the whole shot is till 500. I can’t change it in the edit shot becouse it’s an other file that I used as the shot. And when I do change shot images syntheyes crashes.

What I want to do now is export my tracking points + my solved camera to a file so I can import it in my new syntheyes file again.
Side note: my original synyheyes file starts from 462 and ends at 658. My new syntheyes file starts at frame 0 and ends at 400.

I’ve tried to export my camera and trackers and import them in my new file but that’s not working and I think thats becouse of the frame numbers. I hope someone can help me out with this.

Thank you,

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