Hey Mac users…

Hi all,
I have a client that has a 6.5 gig quicktime file, that he needs to give it to me.
He has the file on his Mac pro laptop. I DON"T have a mac. I tried to plug in my external Hd and transfer it but…(of course) Mac has to be different, or difficult. Whichever way you see it.

So, we tried a DD layer DVD. For some reason, he got errors with that.

I tried to hook up an ethernet cable bewteen both computers but I couldn’t get the dam thing to work. It said needs "shared name" & ip".
I know the Ip but share name? I tried the host name, but no luck.

So Now i’m back home and I told him to upload it to my website via an FTP upload. He did that but it took 10 hrs for 1 gig to upload and then failed.

So, my question is :
What is the best,fast & easy way to transfer 6.5 gigs of data from a Mac to a pc? Any thoughts out there?


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