Posted in: The Job LotWe are producton company currently in produciton of a feature film that has 937 VFX shots. We are looking for a team of talented, experienced VFX artists. We still need,
Matchmovers, Animators, TD’s, R&D Crew, Programmers, Shader Writers, Hair + Sim TD’s, Modellers, Texture Artists, Lighting Artists, Matte Painters, 2d Senior Compositors, 3d Senior compositors.
Work hours vary from 12+to 15+, 7 days a week depending on the workload. If for any reason you cannot work on a daily basis, you will be replaced, given a DVD of your work and sent on your way.
All VFX shots are required to be up to a completely and utterly convincing photorealistic standard and creative freedom will not be an option. All Applicants must be able to take direct orders from thier HOD’s without question.
Due to the careful planning and budgeting, we have no vfx budget however, we CAN provide sandwhiches, instant coffee, tap water, ice, etc
This is the best opertunity avaliable to work on what will be an award winning master piece. I know, I’m making it.
All Applicants please apply to Bestfilmever@hotmail.com
Note: Only people with 2+ years industry exp will be considered
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