“Heart of Stone” marks the second collaboration between Blind Director/Owner Chris Do and Danish rock duo The Raveonettes. To refresh your memory, their first music video with the indie rockers came in the form of “Black / White” just over two years ago. Watch that one here.
With the latest, Blind visualized a tragic tale in which one man’s sadness has transformed to apathy. His heart becomes stone.
The visually stunning video takes place in 2 separate worlds. One being the world of our hero, a world that is grim and desolate. The second is the world within his mind where we see his inner character struggling to keep his body functioning. All is set in a mix of Steampunk and Surrealism.
Don’t forget to check out the storyboards and concept art on Blind’s site to see how it all evolved.
Motionographer caught up with Chris Do to ask him a bit more about the project.
Continue to read and watch the video
Posted on Motionographer