Substance 3D – Classic Edition is out

SUBSTANCE allows you to create and animate organic forms and structures that would be almost impossible to get with other tools

Ant Traffic Simulator Script

This script allows you to rig and animate vehicles to your scene with just a few mouse clicks. This is not a free script.div class=”feedflare”
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Superflow Script

This script creates a parent-child hierarchy with any selection of objects, and automatically changes the pivot point to the first…div class=”feedflare”
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Spot: Virgin Atlantic, 001

In this latest Virgin Atlantic spot MPC provided the post including a comprehensive pre-viz, extensive compositing and environment…div class=”feedflare”
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CG Portfolio: Alan Brooks

Another extraordinary freelance artist from USA which have more than 15 years of experience in Matte Painting, Design, Illustratio…div class=”feedflare”
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DVD: Building High Poly Dozer

In this Eat3D DVD, Laurens Corjin demonstrates how to model and render an entire high poly military dozer from scratch.div class=”feedflare”
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Sintel – Blender Movie Released

Blender open movie project, Sintel, has been released! Download and watch this new wonder.div class=”feedflare”
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Autodesk Maya 2011 SP 1 Released

If you have already installed the Maya 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack, you do not need to install Maya 2011 Service Pack 1div class=”feedflare”
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Making of I m the Godfather

Artist explain the steps that lead to the creation of this image, which he made using Photoshop CS5 and Wacom tabletdiv class=”feedflare”
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Making of Croatian Dream

Matej and his colleagues recreated a real environment with a huge amount of detail! You\’ve asked how they did it, and Matej shows…div class=”feedflare”
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