[I already posted a similar thread but this one should hopefully answer all…]
I studied art/architecture for about 2+ yrs before I realized what I wanted to do from the start= VFX. Unfortunately, it was a pretty crappy school for vfx and film (ASU) and I really didn’t learn anything relevant that could benefit me in the field, aside from some basic 2D and 3D design. So Im pretty much starting from scratch again… but its all good cuz I’m barely 20 and haven’t wasted too much of my life… ha.
I have the drive to work, but don’t know where to start. I feel the need for some traditional education in drawing and design since I didnt get much of it at ASU. After, I obviously need to learn the digital side of things….but, I am also Middle-class, and cant afford schools slapping 80k receipt on my forehead unless I get a loan.. but idk if thats a good idea either so..
So my question (preferably for someone already working or finishing schooling):
How did you do it? ……………..or WHAT did you do to be where you are today?
Did you spend thousands to go to school? (if you did, ok, but was it WORTH IT though? do you have a job now?) It is easy to pay off schooling once you have a job? Did you learn in your room by yourself and now you are working on the next iron man? Did you go to a normal school then did some other stuff???????
Any stories that fit my circumstances are welcome! It would be really encouraging! doesnt have to be long either.. just tell me how effective it was ! thanks!
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