Pls help me read .chan file

Hi, i’ve been trying using .chan file. First thing i export .chan from a camera in Nuke. This file is ascii , so i open in text editor to see what is inside. First try i found it store the transform frame number at first column, and then tx,ty,tz,rx,ry,rz (second column, third column….etc) subsequently. But the last column i can’t figure it out. If using default camera, no modifying anything, i’ll got always this number : 21.1529525458. I tried to check the camera parameter, but none of them using this kind of number. If anyone can help me out here, thanx 😀

And second question, i’ve been trying to cross the data between these 2 apps : nuke and houdini. I found the .chan format works differently between them. Anyone has any experience in this area? in houdini ,there’s no such frame number info stored in the .chan file. Also the order it stores the data is different, not tx ty tz, but it’s per point (vertex) that is stored, so let say : tx0 tx1 tx2 ty0 ty1 ty2 … etc. And it doesn’t store rotation info like nuke does. So i marked this : problem with different column interpretation. In these two apps there’s no way i can control the order of the column so both of them can’t really speak same language even using the same .chan file format ??? i’ve spent hours on this with no luck. As final goal i want to send the camera movement between them and if possible ….. more complex task like i want to export 3d surface information from Houdini to Nuke using .chan (yes, i can use other format, but i’m just courious with this .chan thing).

Is there any way around?


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