navigating to next node in expression?

stumped on this one. if I have an expression that is calling up a value from the next node in the tree, like this:


set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 6.1 v1
push 0
push $cut_paste_input
Crop {
 box {{min(SeamLeft1.point1.L.x,SeamLeft1.point2.L.x,SeamLeft1.point3.L.x,SeamLeft1.point4.L.x,SeamLeft1.point5.L.x)-(Crop1_bbox_Lseam.bounds.L)} {min(SeamLeft1.point1.L.y,SeamLeft1.point2.L.y,SeamLeft1.point3.L.y,SeamLeft1.point4.L.y,SeamLeft1.point5.L.y)-(Crop1_bbox_Lseam.bounds.L)} {max(SeamLeft1.point1.L.x,SeamLeft1.point2.L.x,SeamLeft1.point3.L.x,SeamLeft1.point4.L.x,SeamLeft1.point5.L.x)+(Crop1_bbox_Lseam.bounds.L)} {max(SeamLeft1.point1.L.y,SeamLeft1.point2.L.y,SeamLeft1.point3.L.y,SeamLeft1.point4.L.y,SeamLeft1.point5.L.y)+(Crop1_bbox_Lseam.bounds.L)}}
 name Crop1_bbox_Lseam
 selected true
 xpos 1347
 ypos 490
 addUserKnob {20 User}
 addUserKnob {3 bounds l buffer t "this sets the amount of image you see outside of the seam points.  Smaller will render faster but larger is easier to visualize."}
 bounds 50
} {
 inputs 2
 wireType "Five Points"
 onScreenWire Show
 showUI false
 output "Repair Matted"
 range "Source Clip Range"
 start 0
 end 100
 repairMethod "Clean Plate"
 filterSize 5
 tempOffset 1
 lumCorrect true
 lumBlockSize 23.04
 Points 1
 point1 {{curve x1 704.400028} {curve x1 345.6000137}}
 point2 {{curve x1 939.200014} {curve x1 460.7999725}}
 point3 {{curve x1 1174} {curve x1 576}}
 point4 {{curve x1 1408.800056} {curve x1 691.1999588}}
 point5 {{curve x1 1643.599972} {curve x1 806.3999863}}
 startWidth {{curve x1 11.52000046}}
 endWidth {{curve x1 11.52000046}}
 overallWidth 14
 wireRangeStartInternal 1
 wireRangeEndInternal 1
 isUserKeyFrame {{curve x1 51832}}
 cacheBreaker true
 name SeamLeft1
 selected true
 xpos 1347
 ypos 584

how would I bulletproof that expression so I’m not calling an absolute name but instead just a variable that points to the next node in the tree?

ya know, I’ve used "parent" before to get at the previous node, but what’s the syntax for the NEXT node?

basically I’m wanting to turn something like this:
min(SeamLeft1.point1.L.x,SeamLeft1.point2.L.x,Seam Left1.point3.L.x,SeamLeft1.point4.L.x,SeamLeft1.po int5.L.x)-(Crop1_bbox_Lseam.bounds.L)

into min(NEXTNODE.point1.L.x, … etc

because in this template I’m making, that expression will always need to point to the next node in the chain, but it just won’t always be named the same thing when it’s brought into an existing script (or if it’s brought in 2 times, etc)

big thanks for any pointers.

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