mixing 16 and 32 bit exr channels


i am wondering if it is possible in some way to mix 16 and 32 bit exr channels within nuke.

something like the old shake "bytes".

why i ask:
my rendered files contain a huge amount of channels. but i only need very few of them in 32 bit full float.
so i split my original 32bit renderfile in one 16bit half-float EXR for most of the channels and a 32bit full float for the few ones needed.

if i import thes 2 files in nuke and shuffle the 32bit channels into the 16bit file and save that as a 32bit full float image, the result ist way smaller than the originally rendered 32 bit image from maya.

question: can i somehow do that without reading the image, writing it out, read these in again and write out the final result?

hope you get what i mean 🙂



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