Is multiple light wraps necessary?

Aside from the added ability to tweak and control objects’ lightwrap in your scene, is it really a good idea to have multiple lightwraps?

Say I have a rendered scene in 3D with a metal ball and a wooden cube, two very different materials and textures. Say I rendered the ball and the cube separately and the background with no holdout so there isn’t a black edge where the ball and cube used to be and now I need to integrate the objects back in the lightwrap node.

In a situation where there are very different materials, would it be necessary to have multiple nodes or is it fine to just clump them together and use one? My concern was that I may need to have different settings for each distinct materials or it may not look right (although I don’t know if that would actually be an issue).

I honestly have very little knowledge of the physics of light and so I was wondering which would be most physically correct/look the best.

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