Boujou: Telling what is in the FG, MG, and BG

ok I have this panning shot, REALLY simple shot in boujou. it tracks just fine, but the problem is in the calliberation it’s really fucking up the depth info. boujou is assuming what’s in the front is in the back, and what’s in the back is in the front. basically the depth is COMPLETELY inverted.

i’m still learning matchmoving, and i’ve always been wondering how to survey points, so i thought it would be a good idea to take measurements of the location that was shot and use that info to help boujou determine the depth. So i took measurements of all the DEPTH measurements in centimeters (so no height, no width since boujou did all of that fine). and i punched them in boujou to the according target tracks (in the Z part), but then the solve wont’ change!!!

then again, i’m not even sure how this survey thing works, or what method to make it function. but yeah i tried putting in a positive or a negative number for Z, but nothin, absolutely nothin.

so what am i doing wrong here? and is there a way i can like take points of a solve and say like "HERE THIS IS THE FRONT AND THIS IS THE BACK"?????

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