3DEqualizer4 R1b12 (the new release of the 3DE)

3DEqualizer4 R1b12

Dear Friends of 3DE!

Today we released a new beta version of 3DE4 (r1b12). It mainly contains the missing camera constraints "locked positional channels", as well as a large number of new python commands.

In addition, there are a few really cool new python scripts:

– "Track Homologous Stereo Points" allows you to track the second camera of a stereo project based on features tracked in the first one, more or less automatically. This can save an enormous amount of time.

– "Export Nuke CornerPin2D Node Stereo Stabilizing" exports a Nuke cornerpin node, for aligning both cameras of a stereo project to each other. Several parameters define precisely how camera A should be matched to camera B.

– "Triangulate Mocap Points From Sync’ed Cameras" allows to calculated individually animated (motion capturing) points from sync’ed cameras. This script even can be applied to (sync’ed) cameras of a stereo project.

Please see changelog below for more details!


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