MPC Solve Rubik Puzzle For Drench
Posted in: Industry NewsWith the classic song ‘Oops Upside Your Head’ by the Gap Band, a man walks down a tube station with a baffled head. By keeping his brain topped up with Juicy drench he manages to solve the puzzle. MPC was involved from an early stage, working closely with production to find the best approach to develop a Rubik’s style head.

Two masks were built, one used for the wide shots, when the actor is walking down the platform and a second one used as a model for the moving cubehead. This was built as an exact replica of the actor’s head, paying special attention to skin textures and colours.
The moves for the cubehead were carefully choreographed and the actor was then shot in the matching positions to capture his facial expressions – including his head hanging upside down drinking Drench! MPC’s 2D team led by Matthew Unwin was responsible for integrating all the elements to create a realistic head.

The puzzle head model was shot in the different combinations and MPC tracked and composited the eyes, mouth, chin and other moving parts using Nuke and Shake. Skin details were added for more realism and reflections were composited to the walls. Jean-Clement Soret added the master grade.
The Moving Picture Company (MPC) is a world leading post production facility creating high-end digital visual effects and computer animation for the feature film, advertising, music and television industries. A wholly owned subsidiary of Technicolor, MPC is based in Soho – London, Santa Monica – CA and Yale town – Vancouver. The facilities are centrally located, networked and have a dedicated digital infrastructure designed and built for our future.

Director: Ulf Johansson
Agency: CHI& Partners
Producer: Kate Bailey
Production Assistant: Josh Sanders
Creatives: Ed Edwards & Dave Masterman
Production Company: Smith & Jones
Production Company Producer: Philippa Smith
Editor: John Smith
Post: MPC
Post Producer: Chris Allen
VFX Supervisor: Matthew Unwin
VFX Team: Michael Gregory, Lisa Ryan, Mikael Petterson, Jason Hayes
Telecine: Jean-Clement Soret
Moving Picture Company
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