Seamless features the classic suit-and-tie, rolling-luggage businessman strolling down a vibrant urban street – only the street continually morphs, from New York to London to Shanghai and beyond, as the man strolls along it.

The effects – which are the masterwork of Asylum VFX Supervisor Paul O’Shea – seamlessly shift from one city and culture to the next. When the international traveler approaches a newspaper stand, the kiosk, along with the paper that he buys, the attendant he buys it from, and the currency he buys it with, fluidly morphs through a half dozen incarnations.
“Nathan is a special talent, able to impress clients in multiple ways,” notes Kommitted EP Marc Siegel. “His ability to shoot the live action with the VFX in the back of his head is almost like a sixth sense. Whatever it is, he is the rare talent who can draw clients in again and again by hitting their exact vision with perfectly orchestrated efforts.”
Production company Kommitted Films was founded in 2005 by Director Nathan McGuinness, the Academy Award and Bafta nominated Co-Founder/Creative Director of the VFX company, Asylum.
Shortly after, in 2006, veteran Executive Producer Marc Siegel was brought on to expand the directorial roster, feature film slate, and music video presence. Over a short time period, Kommitted Films has numerous recent high-profile spots for Target (peterson milla hooks/MN), Nintendo (Leo Burnett/Chicago) and Blackberry (RIM) (Arc Worldwide/Chicago).

Kommitted Films is uniquely positioned to direct and produce commercials, music videos, features and emerging media content for web and mobile platforms.
Client: Continental Airlines
Spots Title: Seamless
Air Date: March 2010
Agency: Kaplan Thaler Group
CD(s): Jack Cardone, Michael Grieco
Managing Director, Integrated Broadcast Production: Lisa Bifulco
Producer: Tim LeGallo
Prod Company: Kommitted Films
Director: Nathan McGuinness
EP: Marc Siegel
Producer: Jodi Fisher
Post: Asylum Visual Effects
VFX Supervisor: Paul O’ Shea
Flame Artist(s): Paul O’ Shea, Miles Essmiller, Tim Davies
Pre-Vis Artist: Vyacheslav Anishchenko
Editor(s): Nick Lofting, Kosta Saric
Head of Design: Simon Cassels
Designer(s): Tony Meister, Aaron Benoit
Matte Painting: Shannan Burkley
Lead Roto Supervisor: Elissa Bello
Roto Artist(s): Zac Chowdhury, Midori Witsken, Kenneth Lui, Stephanie Ide, Daniel Linger
EP: Michael Pardee
VFX Producer: Mark Kurtz
VFX Coordinator: Jennie Burnett
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