The indie film, starring award-winning actor Justin Kirk of Weeds and Angles In America fame – has been picked up for North American DVD, VOD and broadcast distribution by E1 Entertainment.
“Four Boxes” is a social thriller that explores a dark scenario inspired by society’s increasingly internet-based lives. CS Films’ full-roster of color correction, online editing, visual effects and finishing services were key to achieving a look that takes film noir to the next level.
CS Films’ award-winning colorist Sue Lakso, online/finishing artist Mark Anderson, online art, FX artist Sean Hall and Adam Celt lent their talents to the post-production of the film, as well as the trailer and web content. The Minnesota-based husband and wife filmmaking team worked closely with CS Films’ producers Heidi Habben and Donna Drewick on the project.

Producer Megan Huber notes, “The CS Films team really gave their all during the post-production process on ‘Four Boxes’. The film really benefitted from their dedication and incredible eye for detail. Plus, everyone there is a joy to work with.”
Writer/director McDill is an accomplished filmmaker who recently won a Jerome Foundation and a Minnesota State Arts Board Grants for his short, “Garbage Man.” Earlier shorts “Shortwave” and “Have You Seen Me?” showed respectively at Slamdance, the Independent Film Channel, and at the Walker Art Center, among other places. He has penned television scripts for “Film Finds” and helped to found the Central Standard Film Festival.

Megan Huber is a commercial, film and television producer, whose credits include production-managing one season of “Let’s Bowl” for Comedy Central, as well as the recent South by Southwest documentary, “Dirty Country.”
Justin Kirk as Trevor Grainger
Terryn Westbrook as Amber Croft
Sam Rosen as Rob Rankrus
Bain Boehlke as the Neighbor
Directed by Wyatt McDill
Written by Wyatt McDill
Produced by John Allen, Megan Huber & Brady Kiernan
Original Music by Ken Brahmstedt
Cinematography by Brian Lundy
Film Editing by Brett Astor
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