Moniker: Do Not Touch
Posted in: General
Amsterdam-based Moniker (Roel Wouters, Luna Maurer, Jonathan Puckey) have created a Do Not Touch – a crowd-sourced music video for Light Light’s Kilo. “After 50 years of pointing and clicking, we are celebrating the nearing end of the computer cursor with a music video where all our cursors can be seen together for one last time.”
As you watch the video, your cursor data is recorded and then composited into the music video on the hour. There’s something magical about the buzzing flurry of cursors, imagining people all over the world going through the same three minute experience you’re participating in at this very moment. If you look closely you will see four different types of cursors: Mac, Windows XP, Windows 7 and Ubuntu/Linux.
Warning: This music may or may not by NSFW… depending on how many cursors have been recorded and where they ended up. At the time of posting it was almost SFW…
Hat tip to the awesome Creative Applications.
Björn Ottenheim
Daan Schinkel
Alexandra Duvekot
Thijs Havens
Roberta Petzoldt
(& 38446 of your Pointers at time of posting)
Line Producer
Vargo Bawits,
Flickering Wall
Sal Kronenberg
Focus Puller
Marinka Schippers
Ogenda ter Haar
Make Up
Paulien Hartman
Still Photography
Adina Renner
Sal Kroonenberg
& Moniker
Do Not Touch was developed in-house by Moniker
Funded by TAXfonds
Lutz Headline
by Cornel Windlin
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