Joining the new wave: Guy Verge Wallace

Sydney-based filmmaker, Guy Verge Wallace, has just birthed a 5-month-long labor of love in the form of a music video for Papa Vs Pretty. At just 19 years old, Guy executed this entire film alone in a friends living room.

Inspired by the dinner scene from Pink Floyd’s, ‘The Wall’, he fuses the visual language of people like Svenkmajer and Gilliam with less direct contemporary pioneers like Radical Friend, Tatia Rosenthal and Sean Pecknold. Combining new and old techniques, his analog aesthetic is corrupted by the digital world.

You can also check out a wonderfully detailed making of on Guy’s blog that chronicles the process behind these life-sized stop-motion characters. Keep your eye on Guy. This is the energy we need to keep evolving as an industry.

Posted on Motionographer

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