3 simple questions.

Ok, i think i have touched on this before but never asked directly.

1: How can i do a prooper Depth Of Field effect in fusion?
What i mean is that when i have transparent objects in a scene and use the Z-Buffer for input in any Depth blur i get some wacky results due to the lack of transparency the depth buffer.

I ended up making my own script that use imageplane XYZ data to generate a blur ammount for a normal s-blur (sapphire) node.
However i can not include 3D Objects in that, most importaintly particles?

2: Is there a way to assign a Object or Material id to 3D Imageplanes and is there a way to turn Object / material id into matte/colors (like the stuff you do in 3D packages with material pass?

I love fine tuning my 3D scenes after my render node but when i have tones of objects it usually means that i have to render the same scene multiple times. I would love to be able to assign some indentification to my 3D scene objects so i can work on every element in my 3D scenes after the render node.

3: How is it that you link object values but delay the change X frames?

When making mo-gra i love using expressions to simplify my work. A basic example is linking a parameter to another node’s parameter of the same kind. But how do i delay this with x ammount of frames ie: MyObject1.Transform.X Time(-5)

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