popping bubble

Here’s a playblast of a popping bubble I’m working on…
my reference for this is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV6Wh-KX3bY

using maya 2011…
the bubble is nCloth with an air and turbulence field on them…
the bubble is also emitting nparticles.. haven’t tweaked much of it..
on the nParticles I have the drag keyframed as well as the rate on the emitter…

I also have a ramp (for now) animated on the emitter so the particles will emit in the right places…

Alright!! Let me have it!!! 😎


18.000.000 Houdini Flip fluid Particles

I’m testing the new amazing flip solver and this is my first try:

Simmed Particles: about 18.000.000
Sim Time: 10 hours

Mac Pro(2008)
Ram: 24 GB

Hope you enjoy,


3D generalist reel (wip)

well this is the work in progress of my 3D generalist reel. it will focus on modeling, texturing, and have some rigging and animation. I’m basicly planning on creating a small 20 second scene with the sci fi models then show spin test of all the z brush creatures I have created. but here are the models completed so far.

I will be heading out to California in January and looking for an entry level 3d jobs( hopefully as a modeler)

3D sci fi girl

sci fi robot

dragon spin test
3D dragon spin test

Mazinger Z

Modeling in Max
Comments are welcome.

fumefx test

test in fume fx
size of the grid 800x800x1200
spacing 0.8
all comment are welcom thanks


Plane composite

In this shot I’m compositing a plane into this shot. The guy walks past in front of the plane and then the plane will start up and drive off screen (with dust, leaving tracks behind, etc).

I don’t have any rotoscoping in my reel so this a good chance to demonstrate it.

Here is a screeny of where I’m at now, I’ve lit, textured and rendered the model in Maya and have made a number of adjustments in the composite including applying lens distortion.

But it still doesn’t look right, and I’d like to nail this before adding in the plane animation . I’ve been looking at it for too long to figure out whats making it not sit right into the scene so I would love to hear some feedback from anyone.

Demo Reel (WiP)

I’ve been a member for awhile and never really posted, so figured I would put up my 1st demo reel. Some things to consider since it is a work in process; one being, that I am still designing the intro and outro tags (flashy short animations with my name and information) so they’re not included, second being, why it is posted in this section and not with the other demo reels.

The reel itself is entirely motion graphics and has my temporary low quality renders of works that were made specifically for the reel, but I didn’t think that would bother anyone. And since it is a wip, please give any advice since now would be a convenient time for me to rework things or, if need be, start from scratch.

There is an attachment, and I will also embed.

Attached Files
File Type: mov demoreal_low.mov (28.74 MB)

Exporting dynamic rigid bodies

Hey all,

Im trying to export a test project I’m working on in Maya. What Im doing is taking a sphere breaking it up using shatter then making it a rigid body then adding a radial field to break it all apart.

I want to export this as an FBX to be imported into Unreal and every time I try I get a Warning: “Unsupported transform node error” with a description “This scene contains at least one transform node with multiple shape nodes. The plug-in will export only one of the shape nodes.” for each piece of the sphere.

I have tried baking out the animation then copying the keys into a scene where the sphere has only been shattered but being the translates aren’t being keyed when baked there are blank translates.

Is there any other way to get those values or perhaps another way to break apart the mesh and make it “explode” so I can export it?

Thanks in advance.

VFX film shot entirely with RED

here is a link to the trailer for my short film. shot entirely with 2 REDs and featuring lots of VFX shots. What you see here is not finaled but its a good point to go out and get some feedback


thanks guys

Call of Duty Black Ops | Biped Warfare

Hey Guys

This is just a little project i have been working on, i know there is a problem with the middle of the animation in that i didn’t blend the simulations together correctly so it switches directly between two simulations

What do you guys think of the overall video though? matchmoving, colour correction etc?



Lee :thumbsup: