A couple months ago, We Make It Good took a long, hard look into the swirling vortex of the internet kingdom and as we stood there staring at our naked body, collectively twisting our giant mustache, we asked ourselves some questions about our place in it all. These achingly beautiful moments of introspection gave birth to WMIG TV: a place for us to showcase some of the stuff we’ve been working on outside of the laptop. Epic parties, giant phones, variety shows, bike riding, Austin, Texas, Buenos Aires, and so.. so.. so much more have all been captured for us to periodically post in this new section of wemakeitgood.com. Some of it is fun, some serious, some stupid, some are moments of staggering genius (just kidding) but by and by we were like “We refuse to let all this tapping on the keyboard stop us from living life, man.” So, we went out to live it up. It was fun. Check it out.
Click here to view the embedded video.
If you were walking around Soho a few months ago you couldn’t be blamed for thinkinpx Helvetica;”g there was a new phone company in town. But in actuality, it was just us setting up our ginormous phonebooth. We challenged ourselves to create a week long installation in a Manhattan storefront based on the theme of communication. We chose to illustrate this theme with a good old fashioned telephone. A device that instills quaint feelings of nostalgia in all of us at WMIG and illustrates the most effective way to communicate a message: words delivered from one human being to another.

Click HERE to see more.
As we developed the concept, we devised numerous methods to get our message out. One of them being to plaster thousands of posters all over lower manhattan that showed a faceless man holding a piece of paper with a phone number on it. The simplicity of the image of course belied it’s complexity and was intriguing enough to result in thousands of phone calls as the installation ran through the week. Each phone call was greeted with a voice message giving directions to the We Make It Good Phonebooth and resulting in over 1,000 visitors during our one week run.
Click here to view the embedded video.

Click HERE for more.
At the close of our brief installation we threw a party with our friends from FADER Magazine which was nothing less than a fantastical mystery tour of Bud Select, LA Rap, Karl Lagerfeld and flashing lights. And that was it. Poof. We were gone so quick it was like we were never there, which is the reason we made this little post and film. It’s short and sweet and gives you a little glimpse into a day at our studio. And if you have been wondering what We Make It Good is exactly….well…we are message makers. We construct very simple and sometimes elegant messages for ourselves and others. Keep tuning back in to WMIG TV to see other messages that we have crafted for Samantha Pleet, Discofunbath, Chari & Co. and many many more. And don’t forget to call us sometime, cause we should hang out : 888 WMIG 666.