
I don’t know about you, but budgeting even your basic grocery expenditure has turned into a feat. Staring out the window searching for a magical solution results in a crushing reality of wind-piled trash and abandoned bed-bugged mattresses smashing this souls’ buffet seeking appetite. Local NY artists Britta Riley and Rebecca Bray have come up with a solution for small dwelling NY inhabitants to cultivate their own garden through that coveted window. Window Farms is a “R&D-I-Y” (research and develop it yourself) tactic for ordinary folks like us to incorporate a vertical hydroponic vegetable garden via clear glass pane. Rows of green bib lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers can adorn your apartment and supply an epic home-grown salad bar. At the same time it’s a low-impact, low-energy, world-saving answer to sustainable products and that gapping whole in your pocket.

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