full face for tracking

we are working on a commercial and we need to replace the heads from the actors with 3d objects. Does anyone know where we can find some fill some green or blue full face with trackers ??


I’m trying to do two effects. Both take place at night.

1: A man’s head is knocked up into the air by a second man. Camera pans up to follow it. the head falls from the sky onto a different set.

2: Character one runs toward character two. Character two sticks his arm out, character one runs into character two’s arm. the head is left behind while the body keeps going.


how to do like this effect ?

How to do this lighting and old-movie look in After Effects for example ?




where to find the explosion footage?

I want some HD explosion footage to be used in some of the vfx shots. Can anybody recommend me where to download clear explosion footage?

Vfx charges? Rate cards

I would like to know what are the current industry bidding in the vfx industry…

I heard that people stating that for a good vfx intensive movie the fares are 20 Million USD and for small ones goes as low as 4 millionUSD..

but in general how much it costs to get the vfx done for the movies..


per sec cost?

BgPrep ( which includes rig removal and rotoscoping )

3d shots?

I saw the mill rate card…


Is the fare for shake 2000 GBP per man day? is it that expensive to get work done in London?