Python scripting problem in Toxik/Composite 2011

Hi guys,
I couldn’t find a Toxik/Composite forum on the site so I’, posting it here in the pad instead because I know that a lot of people are reading it. Basically I got a python scripting problem in Toxik/Composite (the compositor that ships as a free bundle together with Autodesk Maya nowadays). OK, so here goes:

I’m writing a script exporter for Toxik/Composite 2011 and have come quite far already. The biggest problem I got now is that I can’t find the node user settings/parameters via python. Basically I’m trying this (some cut&pasted sections from my script below):


comp = ui.Workspace.getCurrentComposition()
for srcNode in comp.getToolNodes():
        toolName = srcNode.getTool().getName()
        nodeIDName = str(srcNode.getId())
        nodeIDName = nodeIDName.replace("-", "_")
        valueList = srcNode.getValues()
        for x in range(len(valueList)):
                print "Node: %s (%s), Parameter: %s = %s" % (toolName, nodeIDName, valueList[x].getName(), str(valueList[x].getValue()))

This code prints this output for a "Rewire" node in a script:
Node: Rewire (1991), Parameter: Affect = 1
Node: Rewire (1991), Parameter: Mute = False
Node: Rewire (1991), Parameter: svPos x = -74.4756011963
Node: Rewire (1991), Parameter: svPos y = 0.236625671387
Node: Rewire (1991), Parameter: svImage format-0 = 4

This does indeed give me the nodes I’m interested in and also some parameters (like the x and y coordinates in the DAG), but NOT the actual user parameters for the node that I’m mostly interested in. I want to get the user parameters "Red", "Green", "Blue" and "Alpha" so I know what the node is actually doing to the image when it’s rewiring/shuffling around/reordering the channels in the stream. I hope that this is a clear example and description of my problem.

I’ve been searching loads on the net, digging in the help and examples but can’t seem to find anything about this which surprises me a lot. I though that setting and getting the user parameters would be one of the easiest things. I must be missing something obvious here…?

I would appreciate any help I could get!

PS. Either reply here or mail me directly at david.wahlberg "at"

Free 7d?

I found this website, that is having a 7d giveaway. I already have one so I thought I would spread the word to some other luck fella.

Here is the site. Good Luck my friends.

free stereo webinar from VFX Boot Camp

Some of you may already know this, but since it hasn´t been posted yet, I thought it might be interseting for some of you …


Originally Posted by Lee Stranahan

Are you interested in learning about the hottest trend in filmmaking right now — 3D Stereoscopic production?

I’d like to give you access to an exclusive, one hour online webinar about 3D Stereo that was created by stereo expert Daniel Smith for the VFX Boot Camp. It’s called "3D – The Human Factor" and it gives important background on exactly why 3D Stereo works…and why it sometimes doesn’t/

It’s totally a free, no obligation way to start building your knowledge of 3D Stereoscopic right away. If you’re serious about a career in filmmaking or visual effects, you won’t want to miss this.

Just email me and I’ll send you the exclusive link in the next 21 hours.

Talk soon

Lee Stranahan
Program Director
VFX Boot Camp

I don´t really know if I´m allowed to post the direkt link, so I would suggest to just email them ( or directly as I did. I got the response with the link quite quickly.

I hadn´t time to watch more than the first couple of minutes so far (thank you crunchtime), so I can´t say anything about the content or quality except that it comes with a obvious plug for their next VFX Boot camp, but hey… it´s free.

At least it seems that Lee moved a little bit away from the whole VFX Townhall thing.


3D TV, fad or future?

I do not own a 3d tv, i have yet to see a feature film in 3d. i once saw michael jackson’s captain EO when i was a tike, but even at that time i never viewed it as the future of film making. to me it has always been a gimmick that had its heyday in 1955.

television manufactures seem to be on board as a few of them are making 3D capable sets for the home, but i am just not interested. lets ignore for a moment that there still is no 3D content on television, but do people even want to watch shows in the 3rd dimension? i admit i am a bit of a tech geek and when a new cool toy comes out i am always one of the first to jump on it, however i am not running to best buy to purchase a 3D display. so if i am not, then who is?

a few of my friends in this field now work in stereoscopic and my company wants to persue that path. but is it the future or is it just a fad?

My video review on Steve Wrights new (kindle) book

Since the price of the kindle edition for Steve Wright’s Digital Compositing for Film and Video (3rd edition) was lowered, I decided to take the plunge and make the purchase. Here is my video review.


And yes… this is what I did on my friday night… 🙁

UPDATE!!! I said some of the tips where missing. I was wrong. The tips were in fact there. The format on some of the tips laid it out well below the TIP icon, instead of the usual format which is right off to the side. Hence my confusion.

Need ideas for video project

I have a video assignment to do and I’m stuck on ideas on what I could film. Basically I have to make a video that includes these 3 elements:

– include myself
– explosion effect
– used green screen

I will be using Adobe After Effects to do the explosion effect. So what are some cool ideas on what I could film using all 3 of these elements? keep in mind I can only film at my school so I can’t take the camera off campus

George Lucas Among 40 Billionaires to Donate Half Their Money


Forty US billionaires pledged today (Wednesday) to give at least half of their wealth to charity, either during their lifetimes or after death. This will be huge boost to nonprofit company, which suffered from the economic downturn.

The list of those taking the pledge includes Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, T. Boone Pickens, Michael Bloomberg and George Lucas, the man behind "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones" movies who is said to be worth $3.5 billion. Lucas is the only person in Hollywood to do this.

The pledge idea came about in a series of private meetings that Gates, Buffett and other philanthropists had over the past year on the future of charitable giving. Bloomberg, like several others on the list, said he made the pledge because he has more money than he could ever use himself.

Buffett is the second richest man in world with a worth around $60 billion. The 79-year-old has already announced that he will donate 99% of his money to charity after his death.

My letter to Focal Press about Steve Wrights book

I recently noticed Steve Wrights latest edition on amazon cost 37 for the paperback edition (with DVD), and 46 for the kindle digital edition (not including the DVD).

Not feeling this is fair in anyway what so ever, I emailed Steve Wright directly and brought this to his attention. He said it was "annoying and wrong", but has no direct control over the pricing scheme. So I emailed Focal Press to bring this to their attention. While I believe people should be paid for their work, charging more for a digital version just isn’t right in my opinion.

I’m waiting to hear back from Focal Press about this, but I just wanted to share my slight frustration with the matter, and hopefully some good can come from this, that can benefit a lot of us who want to carry around this handy "book", without the trouble of lugging the actual book around.


My name is Saeed, a digital compositor of 7 years for feature films. For a
while I have wished for a way to easily carry around Steve Wright’s Digital
Compositing Book for Film and Video around with me without the added bulk of
a book. Now with the ipad, and kindle app, this can now become a reality.
The knowledge, and easy to access reference of Steve Wright’s knowledge, in
an easy to carry tablet, is a wonderful thought. However I am put off by
your pricing structure on the digital version of your book.

The regular paperback edition sells for 37.77 on Amazon. The digital kindle
edition sells for 47.96. A difference of ten dollars, and it doesn’t even
come with the DVD. I am curious to know why this pricing difference exist,
and wanted to let you know that I don’t find it fair to pay more for a
digital copy of any medium. While I’m not expecting the price of the book to
be vastly cheaper, I was hoping it to be, at the very least, the same price
as the paperback edition.

I really want to make this purchase, but I cannot pull the trigger due to
the principles of the issue at hand.

Thank you for your time.



Other hobbies besides VFX?

Hey all,

I was wondering today what kind of things the people here like to do besides VFX. I’m guessing half the people on here are photographers (count me in that group too). What else? Painting/sculpting/drawing? Chess? Writers? Directors? UFO-spotters?

I’m an amateur composer. I’ve done a few short film scores and write a lot of orchestral music just for fun. Anyone who wants to give me a listen can check out: