Close Encounters of the Third Kind at BFI SouthBank

Hey Guy’s,

Just thought I’d post this up here as a fair few members are lucky enough to be living in London. :p

It’s showing for the next two weekends, get the deet’s here:…he_third_kind_

Also showing is the remaster of The Leopard, an absolutely beautiful film well worth checking out on the big screen (if you can last the 3hours 10 min :p)

Need workflow advice

Hi all,
I am a one man show. A Jack of all trades, master of none.

I resently finished a 45 minute Indi, that took over 1 year to complete.
(thank god they weren’t in a hurry)

What was envolved:
The Editing assemebly was done by the Director.
After that, I took over.

I sent clips to NUKE for:
Keying, 2DTracking, 3D tracking, stablization, Day for night conversions, Paint out plates, Particle systems for CG rain (After effects), CG planes (Maya), and many others I am forgetting,

I then became the colorist.

I graded the entire film, degrained (which needed it BAD) using Scratch for grading and then sent it back to Avid.

During the 1 year, I found myself in total confusion. I felt that I did things in the wrong order and that I gave myself extra work that I didn’t have to. Not to mention RE-rendering over & over, going from one system to another.

I understand that the MAJOR STUDIOS, have departments & teams.
I however, do not. Like I said, I am a one man show.
So my question is:
What would be the best workflow to complete this type of project?
For example, Taking the clips from Avid, rendering them as___??
Then after nuke,___Send…..???……etc, etc..

I just want to be more organized for the next project.
I would love to hear how you guys would do it.
Thanks in advance,

Character Creation Costs

I’m trying to do a little business math. I’m looking to figure out a typical time and cost for the production of an on-screen cg character. Probably both a digital double for far away shots, and something akin to the quality of a hero close up, such as Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen, the Balrog from LOTR, etc. Obviously I understand that this is completely relative to the amount of work needed to put into it. The more complex the longer it takes (probably with Benjamin Button).

Do you have any knowledge or experience in this area? I’m going through it sort of like this:

Modelling [ x amount of people, on x amount of salary, and x amount of weeks / days]
Texturing [ " ]
Hair ( I wonder how long King Kong took to do!) [ " ]
Rigging (controls, expressions, muscle systems, etc) [ " ]

Everything up till animation and rendering.

If anyone worked on those characters or others like it, could you tell me? I’m looking for something like "It took 5 months to get this X character from beginning to ready for animation with about 10 people working on it from start to finish."

I’ll probably post this on another forum or two, but I was curious to see if anyone had any insight on this topic.


Silhouette VS After effects in Roto

i got this project that requires a HUGE amount of roto .
i was thinking of getting silhouette to try and speed up the process

ive done all my roto in after effects for years but im looking for something better in that area .

whats your opinions on silhouette compared to AE?
the pro’s con’s ?

Hey Mac users…

Hi all,
I have a client that has a 6.5 gig quicktime file, that he needs to give it to me.
He has the file on his Mac pro laptop. I DON"T have a mac. I tried to plug in my external Hd and transfer it but…(of course) Mac has to be different, or difficult. Whichever way you see it.

So, we tried a DD layer DVD. For some reason, he got errors with that.

I tried to hook up an ethernet cable bewteen both computers but I couldn’t get the dam thing to work. It said needs "shared name" & ip".
I know the Ip but share name? I tried the host name, but no luck.

So Now i’m back home and I told him to upload it to my website via an FTP upload. He did that but it took 10 hrs for 1 gig to upload and then failed.

So, my question is :
What is the best,fast & easy way to transfer 6.5 gigs of data from a Mac to a pc? Any thoughts out there?


2d / 3d conversion options


I’m trying to collect some info on 2d / 3d conversion options. I posted the full question here:…o-they-measure

Any help appreciated.


Funny email I just received.

Hello my name is Jason and I came across your site- We just wrapped on our small budget horror film Half Moon -we shot the film on 24p digital and are in need of several Visual Effects for the film

see trailer here-

1. A werewolf transformation- we shot the actor plain/half makeup/and then the werewolf suit against a green screen

2. a moon turning from half to full

3. a fullmoon digitally added to the end of one of our sky shots-

4. an opening title sequence

we would like to pay someone 200.00 to add this to our movie

please let us know if this is something your company is capable of doing for this amount

anyone that thinks this is a deal– pm me and Ill give you this fine young mans # lol

3D bigger than synchronized sound?…-boyle-3d.html

Geoff Boyle is a Cinematographer and Stereographer. We caught up with Geoff at Panasonic’s office in Burbank. We were meeting about logistics for the 3D Workshop that he is teaching for us (along with Barry Braverman). We are producing the workshop with Panasonic and I used that excuse the pop into the meeting and record a podcast. Geoff goes over what to expect in the workshop but also explains why he thinks modern 3D technology is altering movies more than synchronized sound did in the twenties. It’s short because we had to wait for a break when the giant air conditioning vents quieted down between blasts of air.

25% off code for all cmiVFX training videos

cmiVFX constituents. You are getting this email because you are a member of the cmiFamily of products. We are having a limited amount of sales to support new product development and the new html 5 player system which will go live around the 15th of september.

BUT TODAY, I am adding a 25% off sale, STARTING NOW, and ending on Sunday 5th, 2010.

There will be no extensions on this due to the amount of programming going on in the back end.


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AtomSplitter 1.6 Released!
2 new Features that will help you in your daily conversions. Terragen Scene File Exports and command line control are new to this build. For more information, check the product page here:…omSplitter_1.6

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We are hiring!
Here at cmiVFX, we pay you to learn experimental visual effects artistry. Stumble upon something cool that you wish you could afford to spend time on? Well, now’s your chance! Join the ever growing consortium of artists, programmers, engineers and architects working on the future of visual effects. We are working with each software company on many projects that wont be see by the community for months or even years from now. If your interested in working on the next level of CG and VFX… you might want to send us your reel and information. We are actively employing all the time. Currently we are looking for varying expertise levels in these areas of interest:

Concept Artists, Matte Painters, Lidar Technicians, Programmers, Scriptors, Camera Operators, Lighting TD’s, Render Wranglers, Animators, Modelers (procedural modelers also), Audio experts, Fur Hair TD’s, Compositors, Digital Intermediate Ops, Data Translators, Particle Experts, Fluids experts, Designers, Motion Graphics artists and more:

If you do NOT see your skill set on this list… it potentially makes you more valuable. DONT HESITATE! Send your information to

cool interview