vfxTalk VIP

hey there,

i am actually interested in getting a vip member.
could someone give me some insights and maybe some hints if its usefull or is a "regular" account is enough to have.

i mean there is great feedback on the open forums. no doubt about that but i guess supporting this site is really important to many of us.

what do you get beside the open forums?
i read people having troubles getting their acc activated. can you confirm this?
are there different vip accounts?
can you recommand it at all?

have yourself a fun day,


Tips for shooting scene with explosion on-set

Hi guys,

we are shooting a scene where an explosion will be enhanced/added in post. The scene is outside, probably in a cafe or restaurant that have tables outside. Can you give me some tips on what to do and what not to do. :confused:

Thanks in advance, really appreciate it 😮

imdb resume or filmography??

hi guys,
how can i add imdb resume or filmography to the signature in vfx talk….:D

How has technology affected the short film industry?

Hey guys.

I’m currently doing year 12 Media Studies at school, and I’ve currently got an exploration peice (Explorative Essay if you like) on the following topic:

"How has technology affected the short film industry?"

If anyone’s got any interesting opinions or valid points, I’d love to hear them. 🙂

Thanks in advance guys.

How stereoscopic works???

i never saw a movie in 3d …. in my country the not even one cinema that show movies in 3d….
so the best solution i had, was to order my own glasses and watch movies at home…

I know that the red and blue/cyan glasses works this way, one eye block a certain part of the image and the other blocks the other part depending on the color, to course the effect of depth, but the thing i dont understand its how you are capable of seeing the movie with the normal colors (orange from the skin white from papers ect), if the lens in the glasses are tinted with red and blue????

10 Questions on employment

I’m an animation/VFX student researching employment in the VFX industry to help me prepare for graduate employment (and to give a presentation next week), I really could use 2 minutes of your time to answer my very brief questionnaire; just 10 questions
Simple mathematics would suggest that it’ll be at least half as fun as ‘20 questions’ 😉

Feel free to skip any you don’t want to answer.

If you enjoy that or just feel like helping a young fellow creative then I would love to hear from you at:
(that also serves as proof that I’m a student, like you needed any – I’m posting questionnaire at 2:30pm on a work day)

I welcome any and all comments on the questions, do tell me if you think they could be improved.

Thanking you in advance (and for all the help this forum has given in the past),

Matthew Wood

New Site, New Tutorial

Well I finished my new website and I made a tutorial for it this morning. Involving Matchmoving using PFmatchit.

Check it out:



Android apps (vfx-related)

As the "iPhone apps" thread came up with some pretty interesting recommendations my idea was to start a similar thread for the Android-folks out there.

As far as I know the mill and framestore apps haven´t made it to the Andoid platform yet. Any other software to check out?

What’s a good idea to research about in the VFX/CG field?

I’m supposed to be doing a research on any topic related to the VFX/CG field which should last for about one year. I’m currently looking for ideas. Do any of ya’ll have any longtime unanswered questions in your heads that you wish someone had investigated?

cmiVFX Releases New Houdini Building Generation Video

HOUDINI | Building Generation
High Definition Training Videos for the Visual Effects Industry

Princeton, NJ (October 11th, 2010) – cmiVFX launches its latest training video in HOUDINI, called Building Generation.

HOUDINI – Building Generation

Buying expensive software to generate cities? Well now you can create buildings right inside of Houdini. Do this interactively and customize the buildings via Assets for new and unique structures. This video will teach you how to create a PROCEDURAL and CUSTOMIZABLE building. Not only you will have the option to change the pre-existing set of parameters, but most importantly you can yourself create, remove or modify the assets which are the actual bricks that constitute the building, ranging from doors to balconies to anything you can think of, they will be directly taken into account and parameters automatically created for them… So that you will be able to modify the general building parameters and the parameters for YOUR assets as well to customize even more the result you have. You can even build asset libraries and with a few clicks switch from one library to another to get a whole new result. If you’re going to be in this industry…. this is the video that you want in your library.

Building the outline shape
The first step in the process is to get the outer outline shape of the building. That can be done in many ways. You’re going to learn in this part how to do that the direct way and then how to replace that with syntax based system to make the outline shape generation the best and most flexible it can be. For the syntax based method a mix between python coding and basic workflow will allow us to get the desired result. While a human can control the result, when the process is automated undesired results may happen, unless some special conditions are added to the input parameters, which will be discussed as well.

Façade creation
After creating the outline shape of the building, the dummy grid facades that were used, have to be replaced with real facades. To build the real facades there is a lot of possibilities. Some of those possibilities will be explored, among which some are simpler than others and can serve to be used in simple situations where not much complexity is needed, and the last one on which the choice is set for the final building is more complex than all the other methods but is far more flexible and controllable. Here as well python code will be used to participate as a part in a hole in the façade creation. A very important aspect of the building is defined here, which is the customizability of the components of the building, so you’re going to see how the assets system works and how much power, control and flexibility it gives to our building. And at the end you will see how all that adds up to replace the grid facades with the real facades and approach the final shape.

Floor separators, roof and colors
At this point the building is a hollow shape without a roof, so this part will walk you through the creation of the floors separators which will form the ground for each one of the floors, and using almost the same techniques the roof is going to be created. Sometimes getting the desired result becomes a little tricky, and colors can help you greatly while debugging, this is why you’re going to see how to add some colors to your building based on many parameters such as colorizing per floor, per façade or per wall.

Building parameters
Now that the building is all done, comes the parameters turn. The parameters are a very important aspect of the building, and they can be divided into two big families, the first is the standard building parameters that are there all the time, and the second family is the parameters that are generated or removed on the fly whenever you create or remove an asset of your building assets folder. Some of the parameters need to generate an event that calls a callback script that will update the building and depending on the scenario this can be tricky so you’re going to see a couple of methods of how to do that and how to implement conditions into that as well. And of course using python code you’re going to see how to generate the corresponding assets parameters on the fly.

The last part of our journey will be more like an exercise, where you will be trying to use the building, by seeing how to add assets, how to use their parameters to control their use throughout the building. Like any other system, this system has some Dos and Donts that will be discussed here. And at the end we’re going to talk briefly about creating multiple different copies of our building using a copy node and stamp functions.

About the cmiMentor
Georges Nakhle is 26 years old, Lebanese, and has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. He has a wide artistic and scientific knowledge, he began his art steps with traditional painting and sculpting then gained a diploma in dramatic monologue (acting -singing), he has worked as a writer and performer in radio and TV. Combining arts and science led him to CG, so he mastered many 3D tools such as Maya and Houdini, he’s also a programmer so he’s currently working for Dassault-Systemes in Paris-France and he had also worked in combination between Dassault-Systemes and mental images the makers of mental-ray. He is very picky about the details and he believes that every small detail contributes to the finished product.

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cmiVFX is the leader in High Definition Video Training for the Visual Effects Community. Register for FREE and receive hours of FREE content at the cmiVFX Video-on-Demand Player. For additional information about cmiVFX, visit www.cmivfx.com . © 2010 cmiVFX | cmiStudios. All rights reserved.