stereo 3d – convergence fcp vs. AE

If I shoot parallel and need to do convergence in post, is it better to do it in AE or is it possible to do it in FCP? If I used FCP do I need the 3d toolbox plugin? Can I fix alignment issues in FCP?


The Dark Knight Rises

Finally we got the title for the third Batman movie ^^…e-the-riddler/


just wanted to share this with you guys 😀

Question with Taxes and moving to a different country

Hey guys,
I’m thinking of moving to Canada sometime real soon. Probably for a while.
My question is, if I spend all of 2011 earning income in Canada, do I have to file a US tax return for that year? The only income I would claim would be dividend reinvestments from my stocks in my brokerage account that is tied to my US address (my parents house). Would it be necessary to claim my Canadian income, is I didn’t hold one US job that year? Or do I only need to mention activity in my brokerage.
Thanks for any help.

Stereo Forum

Do people think there should a forum dedicated to stereo posts?

Another Star Wars Trilogy! Seriously!

I think this guy must be deaf to criticism!


IESB has learned that as soon as George Lucas converts his "Star Wars" movies to 3D and re-releases them in theaters, he will shift his focus on bringing a completely new trilogy to the big screen.

The goal is to re-release "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" in 3D in 2012 and be done with the entire saga by around 2017. Within two years after that, the first installment in the new trilogy will be released.

The new films will be financed by the profits from the 3D re-releases and will have nothing to do with the live-action TV series that’s currently in the works. In fact, it will have very little to do with the Skywalker storyline. Instead, the plan is to further explore the "Star Wars" universe by making three sequels that will take place many years in the future.

So get ready, new "Star Wars" films are only a decade away!

Read more:…#ixzz13EDo0hNG

5D MKII Noise patterns

Does anyone have any gray cards shot with 5d MKII?

shake on Snow Leopard

We’re in the process of transitioning from Shake to Nuke and ideally we want to run Snow Leopard to run the 64bit version of Nuke.
But some of the artists who are now running Shake under SL, are experiencing weird roto bugs.
After rendering out the roto, there’s some weird buzzing artifacts around the edges of the roto.
Has anyone noticed something similar, or know what causes it?



Label replacement workflow

What’s you guys workflow for replacing labels, say on a bottle/can. Imagine it has some rotation on all axis.

I feel like I tackle these types of shots differently every time they come up and I don’t have one approach that I use all the time. I’ve keyframed a 3d object in the 3d program to match, I’ve object tracked in Syntheyes, imported a 3d label into Nuke, all different kinds of stuff, but feel like I’m missing out on some secret technique.

What about you, is there a best way to do these that works every time?

An interviw with the man behing “ramayana”- mr. ketan mehta
first register there, then olny u will be allowed to view the content

Stereo Conversions

Hi Everyone,

Just a question for anyone who has done any stereo conversion work:

Did you set the shot up so the left eye matches the scan and the right is fake? or did you offset the cameras equally in both directions so both eyes are fake (neither match the scan)

thanks in advance