Vanity Fair on Fantastic Mr. Fox

How the Puppets from Fantastic Mr. Fox Were Made, at Vanity Fair. And check out this MakingOf video.

Making of Fantastic Mr. Fox

Making of The Fantastic Mr. Fox, at Making Of.

Fanastic Mr. Fox featurette

How Wes Anderson Directed Fantastic Mr Fox, a video featurette.



The promise of Wes Anderson’s new film, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, seems a little hard to deliver on BUT……it’s like, c’mon!!!!! Roald Dahl, George Clooney, Jarvis Cocker, Bill Murray, Willem Dafoe, and Owen Wilson all signed on so why can’t you? Like, you don’t always have to be so stuffy. Maybe a stop motion film that looks like a furry fetish video is just the thing that you need to take you to tier two. Check out more at COOL HUNTING.