Superestudio: “Inactivo”

Inactivo is the latest short film by Lamole, the B side of Argentinian Superestudio. It’s about a woodcutter’s brave journey through a gloomy forest of giant scissors. Facing his childhood fears, he walks towards his final redemption. The finely crafted opening credits and sound design adds a nice touch to this intense drama.

“We looked for the best way to figuratively represent the inside of a traumatised mind, and we ended up deciding to shoot the main body of the film in the forest, on 16mm film, and the main title sequence in the studio. The challenge of the post-production stage was to work with a great range of aesthetic and quality resources, in the subtle framework of constructing a realistic world that denoted ‘little intervention’, leading to this bizarre world”

Superestudio’s Reel shows how the studio has a substantial commercial repertoire, so it’s great to see them dedicate some time to non-commercial projects!

Posted on Motionographer


Superestudio è una società che si occupa di animazione e design con sede a Buenos Aires, ma con mentalità internazionale.
Superestudio sviluppa progetti di Tv brandings, spot pubblicitari e produzioni audiovisive.
Una parte importante del loro lavoro è la sperimentazione, alla quale dedicano una sezione del loro sito con progetti molto interessanti come Psychoscopic o Implosion.

La società è composta da tre soci, Ezequiel Rormoser (Creative & Executive Director), Marcos Torres (Audiovisual Director), Mariano de Mendonça (Executive Producer), ma sempre aperta a nuove collaborazioni.
Vi presentiamo il loro ultimo reel.

Clicca sull’immagine per vedere il video
