Private Message

Hi, I’m trying to send a private message to a user here. I did send a PM 2 weeks ago but now I can´t find the compose button.

Can anyone help me to find it? Or maybe it is not an option anymore.

Thank you.

Missing functions in new template

First, I like the new template very much but I miss some functions in the new template. Maybe I haven’t just found them, maybe they will implemented later, anyway, here’s my list:

Mark Forums Read
Subscribe/Unsubscribe from Thread
Buddy/Ugnore List
Unread Posts in the line below the header – I know, I can access this in the first line on the site,but I found it more conviniernt the old way.

Subscribed thread email notifications

I’ve noticed that since the theme change/site reboot, email notifications for subscribed threads seem to be coming directly from the email addresses of the users who post replies. This is slightly annoying, as pretty much all of these emails end up in my Junk folder. Is there any way this can be changed so the subscription replies are sent through the VFXTalk mail server again?



Okey, I have been on this site for about two years now. When I first joined there was no spam here. Now it seems like every third post is advertisment for puma shoes and God knows what.

Personally it isn’t that big of a problem for me, I just press report and move on.
But maybye it is a unnessesary problem that we can deal with pretty easy. A suggestion:

The 5 first posts a member creates has to be approved by staff or users (I won’t mind).

Maybye this creates more of a headec than it is now. So maybye there are others way to deal with it. Or maybye there’s no need for it.

Please review my site!!!

Hi everyone !
Please review I’ve set up my web site,games designer site and wanted to know your opinion about it. It is web design & marketing based site that will bring new ideas & opportunities to grow your business.
Website Designers


Hi, to all if i ask you HERE its because i can reach YOU the, the persons from vfxtalk by email, your emails adress dont work…nothing

SO i put THE PROBLEM HERE like that im sure someone go to see, read this problem in your website, i do that FOR ALL!!!


have read this section in your website…ouses-f90.html

its with the companies vfx and medias around the world for jobs, BUT a lot of links are DEAD,

Look at this one is one example from your website… this is the link for the company in SWEDEN

Now click on the link MONUMENT.SE and he give you this:

You see?????

I thinks its time now to update this really OLD section because a lot of links are DEADS,
others are porn sites.. take attention to that for your visitors…


Forum location on hover

Just thought i’d throw it out there… It’d be nice to know where a thread is coming from on the forum front page. You know that little list of the most recently commented on/posted threads? Well, how about when you hover over one in the list, it tells you in what category its in? Like "Vfxtalk Forum > The Pad> Why Aaron Zander hates n00bs", you know, something like that, that displays kind of like an address of where a thread is located, when you hover over one of the listed threads.

Just a thought.:cool:

Autodesk Toxik forum

Any chance we will see a Autodesk Toxik forum here ?!

Just out of curiosity…