
Santo’s deserves the ultimate high five for bringing the sissy bounce stylings of Sissy Nobby and Big Freeida to NY. Bounce music, for those who might be unfamiliar, is a New Orleans originated style of hip hop that has been shaking the shit out of jiggly butt cheeks for decades. Classic trax like “Bounce For The Juvenile” and “Hot Boy Ronald” have been played to your dance floors for years (even if you didnt know it) and just like all great music it started homo and then went straight. So, “sissy bounce” is the very gay, very awesome, and very raunchy return to true school New Orleans bounce. Get to Santos tomorrow to watch Big Freeida, Sissy Nobby, Maluca, OMG Michelle, plus many more, have the most epic butt cheek battle of our time!fred

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