Prologue: OFFF 2009 Titles


Prologue’s Ilya Abulhanov designed and directed this title sequence for the 2009 OFFF festival in Oeiras, Portugal.

Starring a mysterious cast clad in para-military gear, the sequence feels like the pre-amble to a guerrilla warfare strike in the not-so-distant future. The quirky costumes and desolate landscapes are the real focus here, mixing elements of Half-Life, Star Wars and the Mujahideen. Ilya does a nice job balancing the sparse cinematographic compositions with solid type and understated graphics.

As always, HECQ delivered an outstanding soundtrack that extends the ambience of the visuals and builds tension throughout the project.

Posted on Motionographer

Portugal’s multilayered public broadcaster.

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(1.2mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(2.9mb progressive)

Portugal’s oldest television network RTP1, got itself a new on-air look last month, inspired by the channels clunky logo, and perhaps just a little by SimTower.

Surprisingly this ident is only a one off, but with such a unique concept, it could’ve so easily been expanded to include any variety of multi levelled environments…

Update: and it looks like they will be, with a new version making its debut this month, see second video above.