John Lasseter’s CalArts Commencement Speech

It’s that time of year again. Wide-eyed kids march into the workforce, hungry to take a bite of the industry pie. The day is graduation day. Graduates from all around, boldly wielding their Wacom tablets and unsoiled dreams, make the long-awaited transition from student to professional. We’ve all been there. Even John Lasseter. Here’s his two-cents on what you need to not only prosper, but stay inspired.

Listen and learn.

Saschka Unseld & Pixar: The Blue Umbrella Making-Of Holiday Calendar

The highlight of my 2013 advent calendar season was Saschka Unseld‘s The Blue Umbrella Making-Of Holiday Calendar.

Now that all twenty-four days have been revealed, enjoy a master class in making an animation short – from reading the original pitch to pre-enacting story beats with real umbrellas to early cinematography tests to story reels to color scripts to rain dramaturgy charts to amazing camera capture workflows.

Big thanks to Saschka and Pixar for sharing all of the hard work that went into creating this story!

Day Night

Il 7 luglio esce nei cinema italiani Toy Story 3 a cui è abbinato il nuovo cortometraggio, sempre prodotto dalla Pixar, Day & Night diretto da Teddy Newton (già responsabile del design del film Gli Incredibili e del cortometraggio Presto). Il corto è stato descritto come un mix di animazione 2D e 3D che racconta l’incontro […]