motion vectors

Hello everybody!
trying to use motion vector pass I’ve got some troubles. Integrated default vector blur has not enough quality
for instance plugin "real smart motion blur" using the same technics in other application has suitable quality
So I’ve dounloaded LM_2DMV.gizmo from that gives me this result
as you can see vectors interpretated correctly directions but has sharpen edges
How I can debug this?
thank you

Creating and animating cameras in python

Hi everyone,

I am very new to Nuke and Nuke scripting, so I am sorry if this question seems trivial 😉

I am currently trying to write an import script in Python, which should create and animate a nuke camera.

I tried to read the provided Python docs but really couldn’t get it going so I was hoping that someone could provide me with a short code snippet on how to do the following:

Create a Camera
Create parameter tracks for position and rotation of this camera
Attach it to the camera

Any help would be great!

Many thanks


Knob flags in Python

I’ve been wracking my brain for a while trying to figure this one out (enough to the point where I finally registered to ask).

How can I set the INVISIBLE or -STARTLINE flags for a knob in .py script? I’m looking for functionality similar to what the write node does where you can select a file type and any relevant compression knobs dynamically turn visible. If there’s a better way to achieve this, I’m open to suggestions!

Common sense says to try the setFlag member but it seems to only want to take ints.

Link Bezier to Tracker Script + Question

hello everyone,

i made a small script which for me turned out to be quite handy, maybe some of you can use it. you select a tracker and a bezier and it links the bezier to the first tracker via expression. i’m working on a version where you can select which tracker to link. i bet somebody made a much more advanced version of it…

ah one question, it took forever for me to find out that i needed to user ‘Tracker3’ to get the right class for the Tracker Node. Where are these Classes documented? I couldn’t find anything in the Manuals? Thanks!

Attached Files
File Type: txt tracktobezier.txt (266 Bytes)

how call input0 in python button

hi all,

sorry if my question seems to you stupid, but i ‘m new in python and new++ in nuke’s python.

i want to use the nuke.sample command by pressing a python script button for my gizmo but i dont find how call the himself input0

if i run this it’s work


n = nuke.createNode("ColorBars")
posX = 200
posY = 350
print nuke.sample(n,'',posX,posY)

but if try to run the sample function in a button i dont know how define the n variable … to refer of the image plug into the the first input.

somebody can light me ?


and sorry for my poor english

Using the ColorChip in a nuke.Panel

Sorry for crossposting this, i already posted this in the Nuke forum, but nobody answered.
Here it goes:

as a python excercise, i wanted to set the tile color for all nodes to a user specified color.
Should be simple 🙂 But the following code always just sets to a grey value, and secondly, the default value for the colorchip doesnt seem to do anything?


nodes = nuke.allNodes()
p = nuke.Panel("Colorize")
tcolor = p.value("Color")
for i in nodes:

tcolor seems to be an integer value, and thats what the knob tile_color expects, but for the life of me i cant figure it out.

using nuke.Panels


is there any chance that i can add the knobs that i can add to any node to a panel?

i am looking for e.g. just text or seperator lines and stuff like that.

or am i using the completely wrong class?

i am building a custom panel to submit the scene to our renderfarm and would like to have more control over the look and feel.
it works the way it is but.. well 🙂



Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	nmrc.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	18.7 KB
ID:	7595

any success with a wxPython application?


i am just trying to get one started, but all i get are error messages about threading failed.


pyWxApp = pyWxAppUtils.pyWxAppHelper("", start = True) # Result: Exception in thread Thread-15:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Nuke5.1v3\lib\", line 460, in __bootstrap
  File "C:\Program Files\Nuke5.1v3\lib\", line 440, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "nukescripts\", line 46, in __pyThreadMain
    command[0](*command[1], **command[2])
  File "nukescripts\", line 16, in getApplication
    import wx
  File "C:\programme\Python25\lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\", line 45, in <module>
    from wx._core import *
  File "C:\programme\Python25\lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\", line 4, in <module>
    import _core_
 ImportError: DLL load failed with error code 193

the code im trying to run it from within nuke is:


sys.path.append ("C:\\programme\\Python25\\Lib\\site-packages\\wx-2.8-msw-unicode")
from nukescripts import utils, pyWxAppUtils
pyWxApp = pyWxAppUtils.pyWxAppHelper("", start = True)

the docs are a riddle to me 🙂



p.s.: winxp 64

Nuke to Muster

I posted a Nuke to Muster script on our blog:


generate .avi/.mov from nuke

is this possible with nuke 64bits?