Shake transition issue: Extending Cleanplate beyond frame

This one has been bothering me for ages. I think I have overcome it a few times but I cannot remember how.

When I track a patch in Nuke, how do I extend it beyond the limits of the frame? In shake, I would do a viewport and with the infinite workspace, you could extend upwards and rightwards really easily. If you wanted to go left or down, you could do a move2d after the viewport to reset the frame back to the same 0,0 origin and the infinite workspace would retain the paintwork you’d done even when it was cropped off.

Nuke doesn’t work like that. In order for the plate to line up, it has to be in the same place and if you extend a crop, you have to reformat the plate to be able to paint in that new space and then transforming/cropping (with black outside turned off) afterwards does not keep the paintstrokes in the way the viewport/infite workspace did.

How do ppl solve this problem? At the moment I am having to do more and more patches at the corners (to cover up sections of road revealed by a complicated crane move) that could be done with one giant cleanplate in Shake.

3D splat maps and camera projections and all that jazz are great but I find doing a simple four-point track in Nuke needlessly complicated.


I’m new with nuke .. and i would like to know if it’s possible to link 2 curve together … with expression ..
i would like to link together (colorcorrect (shadow curve) .. ) ..

is that is possible ..

It’s because I have to move 2 curves at the same time to see the good result ..
so I want to link two curve together …

I really appreciate if someone can help me =)!!

Does dvcprohd export really work?

Hi can you export dvcprohd from Nuke (in this case i don’t want to work with sequences)? I cant get the dvcprohd to work proper. In Shake this was never a problem. You just choose dvcprohd 1080p 25p as output and write out the file. Then it imported perfectly in final cut.

But If I export a file from final cut as "1080p 25p dvcprohd", import it to nuke and write it out as a "1080p 25p". Take this and import it back in fcp it shows upp little different? Like you zoomed it in just som pixels.

Increase bezier point sensitivity?

Is there a way to increase bezier point sensitivity, like adjusting it so that clicking within 10 pixels of the actual point will grab it?

Limitation of Readnodes?

I am using Nuke 6.0v6 and 6.1v1 on Win XP64/Win7

My Problem is, that I have about 3000 Readgeo operators in my scene
and sometimes I get the message: Error too many reads in the scene.
Is there any limitation of Readgeos in nuke? Or is there any workaround?

Many thanks in advance


Stereo Compositing

Hi there, the magicians of the digital world 🙂

Can you people guide me that how can I start learning stereo compositing, and from where I have to start of with as I am a newbie into stereo stuff… Just saw some stuff from fxphd, understand lil bit of it, but again, I am confused as to from what point I have to start off with and what is the workflow behind stereo compositing?

Waiting for your replies asap.


arri alexa timecode

hey guys,

we have a problem reading the timecode of the arri alexa mov’s (prores 444) in nuke.

when we open the files in quicktime, we see a timecode, but when we open it in nuke we can’t see anything in the viewmetadata node/a 00 00 00 00 timecode in the dpx files we render straight out of it.

Does anybody have experience with this format ?

nuke 6.0v7 on osX

nuke python not creating node

hey ppls

when I create a node after the current selected node with a script.. it does create the node in the preferences pane.
but the node itself is not visible in the nodegraph.
when I hit ‘f’ it does also not jump to the node.


import nuke  currSel = nuke.selectedNode()

any Ideas anyone?


hiding onscreen control per Node base

Hi , i’m creating a simple gizmo with these nodes :

input —>crop —>transform—>output

I want to see both onscreen control of transform and crop. So i expose their parameter on my gizmo. The problem is when i modify the transform node, i got multiple control of the Crop Node. the original bbox control (before the transformation) of the crop node is still shown up. How can i kill it? i want to see only Crop handle after the transform. is it possible?

creating random values over time

I’m looking for an expression similar to AE’s ‘wiggle’.

Using the functions in the manual produce suitably random numbers but they do not change over time.
And when I add a modifyer like "*frame" the numbers are still random but they grow with the current frame number, instead of just being driven by it.