mocha to nuke

Hello everyone,

I’m having some issues with exporting my shape data from mocha2 to nuke.. When I copy the Shape data it goes out of sync at the second half of the sequence.. The weird thing is if I render the shape out in mocha and then import it to nuke everything seems to line-up perfectly.. I’ve tried copy and paste the shape data to After Effects and that seemed to work ideally as well.. any suggestions on what should I do differently to make it work with nuke?

Change Matte Overlay Color

Does anyone know how to change the Matte overlay color in Nuke to something other than red? I can’t find a parameter anywhere that will give me that option.


D-21 LUT to Read Node

Hey guys

I followed the manual and added the D-21 LUT to my viewer by loading it to vectorfield then exporing as gizmo.

I need to also add it to my read and write node, how can i achieve that? cant see to find anything in the documentation.


export xml to nuke from editing software

hi all

I just did a rough editing in fcp, and I wanted to export my edit from fcp to nuke.

the problem is nuke never give me right aspect ratio (dvcpro hd 50 720p 50p, 960*720 @ 1.3333) from the exported file from fcp (yep, I can use reformat node, however, the image won’t be correct and it will lose some quality)

so an edl file is needed or some thing else for the lossless work flow.

another problem is I never succeeded exporting edl file from fcp, the button just unavailable, but I got a xml finally.
it is kindly gave me all I need, like the source file name, in out points, even by frame number rather than time code.

so how to use nuke to read this xml, it’s not currently possible, I found a edl article in this forum , but it’s not useful for me.

it must could easily be done with some scripting.

the question specially on how to export rough editing from editing software?
i wish i can edit losslessly.

why nuke read exported dvcprohd 50 file as 1280*720@1.333,it should be 960* 720*1.333, then should use reformat to change to 1280*720@1,suqare pixel? a bug?


Rendering full HD in Nuke ?

I have a shot full HD and the frames are about 12MG each. I import it to Nuke and after when I want to render it it has a size of 5MG or so? How come? The proxy mode is off, the render is set to full HD…. How come it gets smaller size?

relighting a 2d image

i have some green screen footage with no directional lighting beign comped into a scene with obviose directional lighting. I want to be able to somehow do a basic relight on my greenscreen actor.

in flame I would add a slight displacement on the 2D image in z space and light that.

for some reason i cant get the displaceGeo node to work correctly on my card.

also if you creat a ligth in a scene and then don’t want it anymore how do u get the nuke default light to work again?

Curve editor customization

hi. i’m troubled with text color in curve editor :confused:. it’s backgrnd is black and texts ( frame number and its value both) black and barely seen. can anyone change text color to brighter? i tried changing colors in preferences but couldn’t find the way. pls help.
🙂 thanks in advance.

Realtime Lighting in Nuke

Has anyone seen this? Knows how this is done?

Point Distance To Camera


I have a question regarding a little scripting.

I have a card, point or whatever in 3D Space and want to know the distance to the camera, updating every frame. For my case, I would like to have the distance in Meters so that when you have a text node applied to that 3D card, you can render out that data (like in an aircraft HUD).

Since I am not a scripting guru, maybe you can give me a tip?

Thx a lot!

screenspace AO in nuke?

hey guys.

is there any way with the help of an pPosition pass and normals to get screenspace ambient occlusion?
it should actually be fairly simple to implement.

have a look here:…-tutorial.html

maybe there’s already a gizmo out there?
